I have actual acting scars.

Belief creates the actual fact.

In actual life I am a grumpy old bag.

The Internet is an actual dumpster fire.

My actual passion is getting things done.

The possible ranks higher than the actual.

I don't even watch my own actual self on TV.

I'm a firm believer in reading actual books.

Actual violence has no attraction for me at all.

My actual taste in music is pretty bad, I think.

Unlike the actual, the fictional explains itself.

I'm very much interested in doing actual theater.

There's not a lot of arc in an actual psychopath.

Thirty-two is the age we turn into actual adults.

It's hard to form actual legitimate relationships.

Cowards die many times before their actual deaths.

I guess coming out against actual evil takes guts.

The human soul needs actual beauty more than bread.

'America' took at least five days of actual filming.

Digital music boils down the actual musical experience.

Growing up, I was a nerd. With actual taped eyeglasses.

I've read only fiction, so I don't know anything actual.

I started watching actual movies when I was pretty young.

Mostly, research is much more fun than the actual writing.

If everybody is a Facebook friend, what is an actual friend?

Even if you plan your book, the actual writing is unplanned.

I like 'American Idol' because it's an actual talent contest.

Body language is more fascinating to me than actual language.

The actual cheerleaders in our film are all Broadway dancers.

I like the Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas more than the actual one.

My actual personality probably lies someplace between the two.

An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

I don't think I ever saw acting as an actual career until late.

In my actual life, a food adventure is my favorite thing to do.

I've stayed away from the actual L.A. scene for most of my life.

Pretentiousness was probably my substitute for actual confidence.

I feared vulnerability more than my actual emotional pain itself!

I've always been called 'Suki,' but my actual first name is Alice.

I'm just fascinated by visiting actual castles in the countryside.

Women want to drive and they are taking actual steps towards that.

It's hard to say if actual places really affect the way you write.

There are two types of friends: actual friends, and the other kind.

Every actual State is corrupt. Good men must not obey laws too well.

An actual saga demands change, both in its characters and its world.

There was no actual person who was James Bond, despite all the books.

I use Postmates more than I use the actual telephone app on my phone.

The actual business of writing dialogue is not thought of as a craft.

The actual danger is nothing, and the positive advantages very great.

I despise women wearing too much makeup. It hides their actual beauty.

An actual scientist embraces debate because it sharpens their research.

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