I've always known I was adopted.

Musicians have always adopted Macs.

Technology has to be invented or adopted.

For my 11th birthday, I asked to be adopted.

I want kids: two adopted and three of my own.

I want adopted people to know they were chosen.

All I wanted to do was please my adopted family.

My theory of evolution is that Darwin was adopted.

Christianity did not destroy paganism; it adopted it.

I am Cuban, my parents are Cuban, and I was not adopted.

I adopted England as least as much as England adopted me.

D.C. basketball has adopted me, and I consider D.C. home.

I'm a farm boy from Connecticut, and I adopted urban life.

I am a living testament you can be adopted and successful.

My father was adopted. He grew up in the Italian household.

I was adopted into an extremely right-wing religious family.

There's a lot of people in my family who've adopted children.

I never perceived being adopted as the glass being half-empty.

When I adopted Buddhism, my master taught me not to be so rigid.

I feel like I have adopted the Philippines as my second country.

I want to be adopted by the French. I want to go to live in Paris.

The ultimate goal of fostering is to get kittens and cats adopted.

My mother remarried when I was young, and my stepfather adopted me.

History has no record of a nation having adopted nonviolent resistance.

Children have adopted a consumerist attitude - I dare you to entertain me.

Adopted kids are such a pain - you have to teach them how to look like you.

I'm adopted, so I didn't know my father, but apparently he was pretty tall.

Being adopted was my motivation to help others by first becoming successful.

I grew up in a family that had young people adopted from all over the world.

My house is run, essentially, by an adopted, fully clawed cat with a mean nature.

I have six siblings but grew up an only child. I was adopted by my aunt and uncle.

I am adopted, and I am so grateful for my story, and that's what makes me who I am.

On November 15th, 2008, in over 300 cities, 4,000 children were adopted in one day.

My daughter is a preschooler but I have only known her for a while. She is adopted.

It is the pride of my heart to have been one of the earliest adopted sons of America.

Come hell or high water, adopted or my own. I am going to have, I must have some kids.

Al Gore adopted three utterly different personas in three national presidential debates.

Men of integrity are generally pretty obstinate, in adhering to an opinion once adopted.

I was never obsessed with being adopted. I was simply curious about my biological parents.

In America, Qualification is simply an attitude. I've adopted it. So, yes. I am qualified.

The seventies was a time when a lot of people didn't tell their children they were adopted.

We have German Shepherds, gifted by a friend, and the rest are street dogs we have adopted.

I'm told I was born in Canada, but I was adopted, and I grew up in Maine and Massachusetts.

The friend that I based Heffer on was adopted, and it all played into his total personality.

All I ever want is to return to either Bangladesh, my motherland, or India, my adopted home.

If Youku had adopted YouTubes business model, we just would not be here. We would not exist.

If Youku had adopted YouTube's business model, we just would not be here. We would not exist.

China adopted a capitalist system in the 1980s, and they went from a 60% poverty rate to 10%.

We have adopted zero-tolerance policy against terrorism. We have not fed biryani to terrorists.

Beyonce, Solange, and my adopted daughter, Kelly Rowland, and I have always bonded over fashion.

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