Affluence means influence.

Affluence creates poverty.

Verily, affluence brings anxiety!

True affluence is to not need anything.

For the Left, affluence is won, not earned.

He is now rising from affluence to poverty.

The greatest of all contraceptives is affluence.

Wherever there is great property, there is great inequality.

Spiritual influence never coincided with material affluence.

It is natural that affluence should be followed by influence.

Unfortunately, our affluent society has also been an effluent society.

The only truly affluent are those who do not want more than they have.

There is wealth but no wellbeing. What are you going to do with this wealth?

There is something that you can do better than anyone else in the whole world.

The freedom of affluence opposes and contradicts the freedom of community life.

Owning a home is a keystone of wealth - both financial affluence and emotional security.

Things, things, things. Always more things, and success is seen as the abundance of things.

Hard-core structural poverty has a counterpart at the apex: hard-core structural affluence.

The state has typically been a device for producing affluence for a few at the expense of many.

My father emigrated from Poland and my mother from Romania. There was no affluence in my family.

Many who seem to be struggling with adversity are happy; many, amid great affluence, are utterly miserable.

The lust for affluence in contemporary society has become psychotic; it has completely lost touch with reality.

My story is the story of many postwar British families. Upward mobility. A council house and then new affluence.

Our affluence has allowed us to move to a place where we tend to make things pleasurable, as opposed to efficient.

Many a painter has lived in affluence, in high esteem, who lacked the divine spark, and who is utterly forgotten to-day.

Affluence, unboundedness, and abundance are our natural states. We need only to restore the memory of what we already know.

Our own relentless search for novelty and social status locks us into an iron cage of consumerism. Affluence has itself betrayed us.

My main mistake was to have made an ancient people advance by forced marches toward independence, health, culture, affluence, comfort.

There's no question that in my lifetime, the contrast between what I called private affluence and public squalor has become very much greater.

The rule seems to be that there are no absolutes, that what is rare is prized. Thus, in times of relative affluence, thin models become dominant.

We are not satisfied with peace alone. There has to be prosperity, there has to be affluence, there has to be fulfillment in life, not just peace.

If we are not sensible about this, in our ideas of wealth creation we may completely destroy the planet - which we are already doing in many ways.

Labor is the source of subsistence, capital is the source of affluence. My idea is to make everyone a capitalist, and therefore, financially secure.

'Playboy' made the good life a reality for me and made it the subject matter of my paintings - not affluence and luxury as such, but joie de vivre itself.

What pleasure can those over-happy persons know, who, from their affluence and luxury, always eat before they are hungry and drink before they are thirsty?

But I think theatre in a repressive society is an immensely exciting event and theatre in a luxurious old, affluent old society like ours is an entertaining event.

If you are dim but have rich parents, a life of comfort, affluence and power is almost inevitable - while the bright but poor are systematically robbed of their potential.

What people want is not what some would call imaginative and often austere productions but very lavish productions which cast back into the auditorium an image of their affluence.

Donald Trump connected with the American public because they wanted to be like him. They aspired to be just like him. They wanted to see all of his affluence, and he let them see it.

Affluence separates people. Poverty knits 'em together. You got some sugar and I don't; I borrow some of yours. Next month you might not have any flour; well, I'll give you some of mine.

The system that had grown up in most states is that wealthy districts with an affluent population can afford to spend a lot more on their public school systems than the poorer districts.

New York is a city where it's particularly hard to be poor, not only because everything costs twice as much as it does elsewhere but because over-the-top affluence is part of its identity.

It's risky to show poor Americans. People see it as a downer. But I really wanted to make a tightly wound piece of storytelling that also happened to explode the myth of American affluence.

We may feel the pain of falling back from a level of affluence to which we have grown accustomed, but most people in developed countries are still, by historical standards, extraordinarily well off.

I have always paid careful attention to social and economic conflicts, to the dialectic - if we can call it that - between high and low. Maybe it's because I was not born or brought up in affluence.

Study after study has shown that the availability of stable employment, reduced income inequality and post-imprisonment neighbourhood affluence are three of the most significant factors in reducing the frequency of violent offences.

The country is filled with energetic and enterprising men, rendered desperate by being reduced from affluence to poverty through the vicissitudes of the times. They will give an impulse to smuggling unknown to the country heretofore.

When you become famous, you start getting invites to parties where there are famous athletes and famous rock stars, politicians, people who have tremendous power and affluence. It's not in my DNA, but certainly I have been exposed to it.

The interesting thing is, while we die of diseases of affluence from eating all these fatty meats, our poor brethren in the developing world die of diseases of poverty, because the land is not used now to grow food grain for their families.

It's a mistake to assume that Islamists always come from the slums. Indeed, many come from affluent families but for some reason just couldn't manage to integrate into Western society, even though they had good opportunities for advancement.

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