You can't possibly predict what will last or not. But once you attempt to write for the ages, you're doomed.

What I love about my audience is it's extremely diverse as far as the ethnicities and the ages that show up.

Books, like proverbs, receive their chief value from the stamp and esteem of ages through which they passed.

Some people think wearing powder ages them, but try it anyway. For me it mattes my makeup and blends it well.

Children at certain ages have distinct actions, and boys at certain ages have a particular way of acting too.

I remember being a student, and I would go every Friday to the Louvre and stay for ages, just walking around.

I'm attracted to people who are older rather than younger, and all ages have their potential and limitations.

One day I'm going to open up a club or a concert venue where it's all ages and really fun. That'd be awesome.

After Zorro, people spoke Spanish to me for ages. I'm Welsh but that movie instantly gave me a new ethnicity.

Some shows are ages 16 and up, so there'd be like 11-year-old girls just sitting outside the shows for hours.

Over the ages, some societies have accorded far less value and respect to singles than to married individuals.

Through the ages, many of His children have had access to the blessings of the gospel, but many more have not.

Through the ages, God has used the church to keep alive and pass down the story of what Christ has done for us.

Me and Steve Eyre, the coach at Manchester City, used to stay behind for ages after more or less every session.

Social justice warriors want to return to the Dark Ages when you communicated with a club instead of joining one.

I'm sure that is a reason why young people occasionally bash up old people - because the ages don't mix any more.

I grew up, from ages 8 to 18, watching reruns of 'Star Trek' with my dad and my mom when they got home from work.

America is a country that has been skating for ages on its unparalleled ability to look marvelous on the outside.

When I joined 'WhatsApp,' I was 38 years old. Opportunity is available to us in all walks of life and at all ages.

My favorite time to dance is at, like, wedding receptions, when it's all ages and everyone seems to be having fun.

Tom Selleck brings in the babes of all ages, I have to tell you. You can be 60, 80, or 16 and still love that man.

It is an axiom, enforced by all the experience of the ages, that they who rule industrially will rule politically.

You can celebrate the female form in comfort. We left corsets behind in the dark ages, so why bring them back now?

Part of what makes Minneapolis such a vibrant place to live and work is that we have active residents of all ages.

No person is ever good for much, that hasn't been swept off their feet by enthusiasm between ages twenty and thirty.

I played Winnie Cooper on 'The Wonder Years' from ages 12-18, and did a few other movies during some of the summers.

Horses are such a powerful part of human development and have been since the early ages. We humans owe them so much.

A healthy love life is not and should not be the preserve of those in their 20s and 30s. It's important at all ages.

The chains of military despotism, once fastened upon a nation, ages might pass away before they could be shaken off.

I wanted to be a poet. I wrote from ages 15 to 22, but I left it because I discovered, and fell in love with, cinema.

Simon Critchley's 'The Book of Dead Philosophers' - it's a quick thumbnail sketches of philosophers through the ages.

Chemotherapy is just medieval. It's such a blunt instrument. We're going to look back on it like we do the dark ages.

Boys, young men, men of all ages are being captivated by the new visual grammar which pushes men to pout and posture.

Books, like proverbs, receive their chief value from the stamp and esteem of the ages through which they have passed.

What progress we are making. In the Middle Ages they would have burned me. Now they are content with burning my books.

Ideas devour the ages as men are devoured by their passions. When man is cured, human nature will cure itself perhaps.

We develop our propensity to forgive or not to forgive by what we see illustrated at the early ages of our development.

I definitely don't feel like I'm 71. I feel like I did when I was - between 30 and 40. The body ages. The mind doesn't.

Paradesi' remains close to my heart because Amina ages in the course of the film and I got to essay her life on screen.

I think, in today's football, you have to have a certain degree of technology. If not, you're living in the stone ages.

Maybe I didn't have the childhood people think you should have, but I still went through the ages; I was still a child.

I think anything that happens to you between the ages of zero to 18, and probably further on, has a lasting impact on you.

I love 'Drake and Josh.' It's supposed to have a demographic of ages 9-14, but really, it's 9-84. There is no demographic.

Generals think war should be waged like the tourneys of the Middle Ages. I have no use for knights; I need revolutionaries.

Fashion doesn't look good only on models; it can look good on different people of different ages and different body shapes.

I think it's awesome to see people of all different ages from all kinds of backgrounds come together for the love of music.

I won't be happy until we have every boy in America between the ages of six and sixteen wearing a glove and swinging a bat.

Between the ages of 8 and 12 it was difficult to know what my father was saying, and he moved very slowly, and then he died.

Boys are beyond the range of anybody's sure understanding, at least when they are between the ages of 18 months and 90 years.

I used to have nightmares about the civil war when I got to England at ages 14 to 15. It took me some years to get over that.

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