The hardest part about being a kid is knowing you have got your whole life ahead of you.

It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste.

I just want to keep playing music and keep recording. I feel like my best days are ahead.

My best work is often almost unconscious and occurs ahead of my ability to understand it.

When a work appears to be ahead of its time, it is only the time that is behind the work.

One of the deepest functions of a living organisms is to look ahead... to produce future.

I feel like my best music is still ahead of me, and I can't wait for everyone to hear it.

The art world was not initially really accepting my kind of work. I was ahead of my time.

Skepticism is not a position that you stake out ahead of time and stick to no matter what.

We need a leader who puts the health and well-being of the country ahead of 2016 politics.

We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.

Have enough sense to know, ahead of time, when your skills will not extend to wallpapering.

Throughout the day no time for memorandums now. Go ahead! Liberty and independence forever.

If you're willing to put two thoughts into a picture then you're already ahead of the game.

I'm pushing ahead on my own - you no longer need a large record company to make you a star.

You can't dwell on disappointment. You've got to take the positives and keep looking ahead.

I always wanted to put a sign up on the road to Yale saying, 'Beware: Deconstruction Ahead.'

Being a champion is not just being a frontrunner and being ahead, but it's facing adversity.

Generally, a writer of force is anywhere from 20 years to 200 years ahead of his generation.

Poets are always ahead of things in a certain way, their sense of language and their vision.

No artist is ahead of his time. He is his time; it is just that others are behind the times.

We've got to get things done. We've got an economy that is stabilized, but not moving ahead.

Look several months ahead, see where the obstacles lie, and figure out ways to overcome them.

I was definitely ahead of my friends. I was French-kissing girls way before anybody else was.

If you're ahead of your time, who's going to listen? If you're behind the times, it's boring.

I really believe that all CEO pay should be voted on by shareholders ahead of time. Mine was.

I've always been ahead of the curve when it came to trying new stuff in the underground scene.

I feel that the year ahead for me will be full of two of my favorite things: dance and acting.

My dad told us up front, 'Guys, if you want to play sports, go ahead, but it's your decision.'

In other words, by finding the anomalous event, what you do is you get out ahead of activities.

I'll miss everyone on Dallas so much, but I have a wonderful career ahead of me. I can feel it.

If you really want something you just hang with it. We think our future's ahead and not behind.

If we think of what's up ahead, with climate change and wars over water, it's very frightening.

Other people can think ahead all they want. I just focus on the task at hand and try to move on.

I once made love for an hour and fifteen minutes, but it was the night the clocks are set ahead.

The candidate out front on Labor Day has historically been the one who stayed ahead in November.

I try to stay ahead of things, if you know what I mean. I take the money I make and reinvest it.

True courage is being afraid, and going ahead and doing your job anyhow, that's what courage is.

There's a part of me that's always charging ahead. I'm the curious kid, always going to the edge.

I don't care half so much about making money as I do about making my point, and coming out ahead.

I think getting rid of my leg was getting rid of the past and getting ready for my journey ahead.

I had reached the point when I could not see anything clearly ahead, I needed help, and I got it.

In life, you have ups and downs, but you should never give up. You should always try to get ahead.

No matter the challenges ahead, I will never stop fighting for New Jersey and the values we share.

Drawing is rather like playing chess: your mind races ahead of the moves that you eventually make.

Providence was well aware what lay ahead for me, and my Capuchin training was to prepare me for it.

There is only one way left to escape the alienation of present day society: to retreat ahead of it.

Things will come and go, and your life will go on, but you don't want to get too ahead of yourself.

I have no desire to look back, I only want to look forward to the things that are still ahead of me.

If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It's much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.

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