I like Al Purdy.

I love Al Pacino.

Putin is like Al Capone.

Al Davis fires everybody.

Al Green is something else.

Al Qaeda still remains a threat.

You can't twist Al Sharpton's arm.

Weird Al' is awesome and so humble.

Less is more, unless you're Al Gore.

I went to high school with Al Capone.

I've dealt with the Taliban and al Qaeda.

I don't know a lot of agents like Al Hack.

I guess 'Scarface' was the Cuban Al Pacino.

Al Pacino never looks like he's being filmed.

Big Pharma's the Taliban... They're Al Qaeda.

I want to make a movie with Al Pacino someday.

The chief al Qaeda recruiting tool is the net.

Al Qaeda is closely aligned with the Chechens.

Al Sharpton doesn't even pay for his own suits.

Nobody had race savvy like Al Unser in his prime.

I've always wanted to work with my friend Al Pacino.

Al Horford is a very good player; a great team player.

'This Is My Rifle' is a kind of tribute to Al Di Meola.

If Al Gore invented the Internet, I invented spell check.

We can uproot the Al Houthis and Saleh in a matter of days.

Al Jefferson. One-on-one on the post, man, can't guard him.

I'd have supported Al Gore if he'd have been from Wisconsin.

We need to defeat al Queda and other terrorist organizations.

To be able to play as slow as Al Jackson is almost impossible.

I saw Al Pacino on the street once. That made me very nervous.

Al Jolson was one of the greatest entertainers who ever lived.

We never give Al Horford the credit he deserves as a modern big.

ISIL is not your parents' al Qaeda. It's a very different model.

I've always said I don't believe in God, I believe in Al Pacino.

I learned a lot from Al Davis, and I got a lot better as a coach.

I never put my arms around John Gotti, Al Capone or Lucky Luciano.

ISIS is even at war with its most natural ally, al Qaeda in Syria.

They are superpower of villains. They are superpower of Al Capone.

I won't stay in Al Ain. I'm looking and listening for other options.

Capitalism in Russia has spawned far more Al Capones than Henry Fords.

I mean everyone, from Al Pacino to Murphy Guyer, are phenomenal actors.

How many gangsters you know, from Al Capone up to John Gotti, been gay?

When I came to America Al Unser, Jr. was very difficult. And Bobby Unser.

Mohamed Al Fayed took Fulham from the second tier to where they are today.

Weird Al is not gonna do a parody of your song if you're not doing it big.

In my opinion, Al Moritz may be the best poet of his generation in Canada.

Staying in a very public fight with the U.S. is exactly what Al Qaeda wants.

Al Gore's performances could be a case study in abnormal-psychology classes.

Al Jazeera is known in the Arab world as the voice of freedom of expression.

I will take Al Sharpton seriously. And I know him, he's a nice, nice person.

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