I'm a Mobile, Alabama kid.

I was just a girl from Alabama.

I'm from Alabama. I'm not rude.

Tuscaloosa, Alabama - I love you.

That computer was made in Alabama

I grew up very poor in rural Alabama.

I'm not going to be the Alabama coach.

I’m not going to be the Alabama coach.

When I got to Alabama, I was really small.

You can't ride two horses with one behind.

A piece of my heart will aways be in Alabama.

The State of Alabama let me down tremendously.

Our players get scrutinized pretty hard at Alabama.

If we do not play 'Alabama,' our fans would kill us.

I'm a wimp. I'm from Alabama. I don't like the cold.

My dream was to play for Alabama - football, basketball.

I was recruited at Alabama and at Auburn to play basketball.

The only traffic I had to deal with in Alabama was a tractor.

My uncle is a Southern planter. He's an undertaker in Alabama.

Alabama has a history of safeguarding our freedom of religion.

It's hard to get ivory in Africa, but in Alabama the Tuscaloosa

My dad was the biggest Alabama fan ever, and I was brainwashed.

I was raised in South Alabama in the woods, y'know? I'm country.

Alabama soldiers, all I ask of you is to keep up with the Texans!

I grew up on army bases all over the world, but I'm from Alabama.

If Alabama were 8-4, they'd still be dominating the conversation.

New York is a completely different culture to Montgomery, Alabama.

In Alabama, we have ribs with a white sauce, which is really great.

My professional and personal roots in Alabama are deep and lasting.

Alabama is better than to depend on gambling to fund its government.

Pennsylvania is Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between.

My only crime was being born black - or being born black in Alabama.

I spent 30 years on Alabama's death row for a crime I did not commit.

I can assure the people of Alabama I have never done anything illegal.

Listening to Alabama Shakes made me less self-conscious about my voice.

You can be hip-hop to the max, but you still know 'Sweet Home Alabama.'

My grandfather's from Pinson, Alabama, all the Truckses came from there.

It's Alabama. They've been the powerhouse. The face of college football.

We wrote 'Tush' at a soundcheck in Alabama in about six or eight minutes.

I never apologize for my efforts to support worthy projects that Alabama.

Bad thing about playing at Alabama? I really didn't have any bad moments.

I don't know how Coach Saban found me all the way in Hawaii from Alabama.

I grew up in Gladstone, Alabama, on a dirt road, with an outside bathroom.

I grew up on a plantation in Alabama in a small town outside of Montgomery.

I played at Georgia, I coached at Alabama. I know how to beat both of them.

I'm from Alabama and I have morals and I have class. That's my personality.

I went to Alabama, so I'm still very devoted to Alabama football and the SEC.

The BP settlement is good for Alabama, particularly Alabama's coastal region.

I just grew up a poor black kid in Alabama with a single mom and two brothers.

It's very rare that Georgia and Alabama are the only two teams recruiting a kid.

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