How many ya'll parents smoke weed? My momma still grows illegal weed in Alabama.

I always told people Alabama was the smartest state because it has four As and a B.

By growing up in Alabama, I had a melting pot of the whole pie: R&B, gospel, country.

It is my belief CAFTA will be beneficial for Alabama and the United States as a whole.

Think of all the hate there is in Red China, then take a look around to Selma, Alabama.

My mother was a leading lady in a local theatre in Birmingham, Alabama, where I grew up.

My family is from a tiny town in Alabama. So all I wanted to do was get out of this town.

Alabama's a football state and you really don't get too many basketball players out there.

Great as Alabama's football teams are, the golf team I played on there in 2012 was unreal.

You're looking at a guy who grew up in the state of Alabama, and my dream was to play there.

Alabama seniors all across the Third Congressional District continue facing high drug costs.

We're really not going to get that much money out of a lottery for a small state like Alabama. other words, all I want to be is the Jane Austen of south Alabama Interview - March 1964

Coming into Alabama from Florida, they all accepted me, they all loved me and all supported me.

I had some good Alabama raising. You might do something wrong, but you wouldn't do it but once.

My grandfather served as a gunner aboard the U.S.S. Alabama in the Pacific theater during WWII.

They don't let many black people in the governor's mansion in Alabama, unless they're cleaning.

I really want to see good health care brought to all the people of Alabama at a reasonable cost.

Most of all, our troops from Alabama said they appreciate the care packages from folks back home.

Folks in Alabama seem like folks in Georgia to me. I feel like you can just about combine the two.

Life for my family was a real struggle, as it was for most in those farming communities in Alabama.

I love my home state and my hometown. I'm so grateful to Birmingham and Alabama for what it made me.

I would never criticize a judge just because he or she presides in another state, including Alabama.

I'm one of the baddest, hardest-hitting heavyweights in the business. Right here from Alabama, baby.

I was born in Alabama, but I only lived there for a month before I'd done everything there was to do.

I don't have any extraordinary gifts. I'm just an average Joe who grew up very poor in rural Alabama.

There are gods in Alabama: Jack Daniel's, high school quarterbacks, trucks, big tits, and also Jesus.

I was born in segregated Birmingham, Alabama. I didn't have a white classmate till we moved to Denver.

As Attorney General of Alabama, I have never hesitated to stand up to the EPA before when it was wrong.

You can't take a kid from north Alabama and growing up in church - some of that is just gonna seep out.

The truth is... I gave my heart away a long time ago, my whole heart... and I never really got it back.

Alabama farmers want a chance to complete fairly in Japan, but they can't if the Japanese won't let us in.

As your Governor, I will not stand complicit to a policy that places the citizens of Alabama in harm's way.

I agree with 81 percent of the people of Alabama who believe that marriage is between one man and one woman.

I lived in Alabama and Georgia, and the people in the south are wonderful. It's God, faith, family, country.

Ladies and gentlemen: There can be no greater investment in Alabama's future than an investment in education.

I love what Alabama Shakes is doing - it's kind of like what grunge did to rock 'n' roll, they're doing to R&B.

Oh! Moon of Alabama We now must say good-bye We've lost our good old mama And must have whiskey Oh, you know why!

Representative Spencer Bachus is one of the only people I know from Alabama. I bet I'm the only socialist he knows.

They're great songs. How many bands wouldn't like to have a 'Freebird' or 'Sweet Home Alabama' to play every night?

While over Alabama earth These words are gently spoken: Serve and hate will die unborn. Love and chains are broken.

Without question, Alabama's House Bill 56 is the most comprehensive anti-illegal-immigration state law ever drafted.

Only when Christ comes again will the little white children of Alabama walk hand in hand with little black children.

I grew up in Atlanta, which meant the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama, was a mere 200 miles away.

For my 23rd birthday I had a house party that was '90s themed and I dressed up as Alabama whirly from 'True Romance.'

If we can get this economy moving and quit doing the things that prohibit growth, Alabama... can sustain that growth.

Tell the people... please, tell the people of Alabama that I love them. Tell them I'm suffering a lot, but I love them.

This country is no more saved than; well ... it's as lost as they say in Alabama, "... as lost as a ball in tall grass."

I must acknowledge God. It says so in the Constitution of Alabama. It says so in the First Amendment of the Constitution.

You know, pass now to pinch post, cut, shoot the shot. Do things to facilitate the offense. That's what I did in Alabama.

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