I am a recovering alcoholic.

Should alcoholics go to liquor stores?

Alcoholics are mostly disappointed men.

If I managed the Cubs, I'd be an alcoholic.

I'm not an alcoholic. I just drink that way.

That I'm an alcoholic is completely ridiculous.

Today, if you're not an alcoholic, you're nobody.

My family tends to be pretty alcoholic and drug-addicted.

Because I know I'm an addict, and I know I'm an alcoholic.

If I hadn't become a celebrity, I'd probably be an alcoholic.

I suppose if I gave myself the chance I could be an alcoholic.

Almost without exception alcoholics are tortured by loneliness.

Only a complete alcoholic can think life is funny ... any life!.

I think that I'm coming off as the biggest alcoholic in the world.

I once had a lot of hatred, mainly toward my father, an alcoholic.

In Stratford you either turn into an alcoholic or you better write.

I've been a practicing alcoholic and drug addict for most of my life.

I'm ombibulous. I drink every known alcoholic drink and enjoy them all.

I could probably play an alcoholic. I've had some experience with that.

I used to be a partier, now I'm an alcoholic. It's all in who's judging you.

I'm going to Ibiza with the lads! I’ll probably come back a raging alcoholic.

In the wake of my spiritual experience there came a vision of a society of alcoholics.

That's what alcoholics do. It's in their job description: fall apart and then keep falling apart.

I'm no alcoholic. I'm a drunkard. There's a difference. A drunkard doesn't like to go to meetings.

I know I was an alcoholic because I was preoccupied whether alcohol was going to be served or not.

Even prostitutes, alcoholics, embezzlers - I won't rehearse the whole catalogue - need health insurance.

I would never become an alcoholic like my father because my father deserted us. But diseases, there's no let up.

When I hear alcoholics talk about having their demons, I think that they're probably absolutely literally correct.

If you measure your happiness by the amount of liquid you have in your glass, you are either a cliché or an alcoholic.

They're like ''You're an alcoholic.'' I go ''No, I'm not.'' and then-apparently that's what alcoholics say too, you know?

You're not surprised when alcoholics act like alcoholics. It's more surprising when non-alcoholics start acting like alcoholics.

I require something so horrifically alcoholic that it makes livers tremble with fear and run for their lives when its name is uttered.

Friend of mine just told me he used to be a bad alcoholic. I calmed him down. Told him he was a good alcoholic just a horrible drinker.

It wasn't being an alcoholic - it was going wild. It happened when I got famous. It was like having my teens in my early thirties: blotting out your life, not having to think about anything.

I'm a recovered alcoholic. I don't do anything anymore, but those things, those things take away ... You're a different personality completely when you take those. For those who are really chemically dependent on anything, it's not you.

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