I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, ...

I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.

It is always comforting to be around people you like and know!

I'm always distressed by the supposedly bright people who don't know what they are.

I've always hated people in costumes with big heads, where you don't know what's behind it.

I don't always know how to communicate. I think I get a bit unfiltered and a bit strange to people.

I want people to know that it's not always dandelions and roses when you're doing something like 'Aladdin.'

I know that people in the public eye are always being chipped away at by very cynical attitudes in the press.

Texas is generally 82 degrees year round. I always tell people you don't know cold until you have been to Boston.

People forget that, for example, Adele wasn't always the Adele we know. Sam Smith wasn't always the Sam Smith that we know.

People always say, 'Write what you know', but I've always found that to be terrible advice. It's quite limiting, what you know.

I'm always drawn to stories that people don't know about, particularly when they're inside of a story that everyone knows about.

I loved Cary Grant. I got to know him and Audrey Hepburn. Here were these people I always liked and admired, and they were coming to my house.

I'm always very happy to talk to people. I relate to people, and the guy on stage is very much the guy that's off stage. People know when it's fake.

If you hear big clubs are interested, it's always nice to know people appreciate what you do, but when Tottenham said, 'We want him,' I didn't have to think twice.

People might think that because I'm skinny and tall, I'm fragile. But I always knew I wasn't. And it's comforting to know that I can throw a proper punch if I have to.

I've always sort of admired and respected one's ability to be comfortable with other people's discomfort or, you know, their being comfortable making other people uncomfortable.

I always like to say, Bill Clinton created more millionaires and billionaires than any president, but you know what, more people moved out of poverty. Middle-class income - all-time high.

I find it interesting as every year people say the midfield is as tight as ever but it is always tight, it is always competitive. I've pretty much spent my entire career in the midfield so I know about it!

There are elections in which everyone knows that 'the people have spoken' but they don't always know exactly what the people have said. This November's election was different. Not only did the people speak, they spoke clearly.

I always say that the horror genre and the comedy genre are close cousins because they are the two genres where you are attempting to elicit an involuntary vocal response from a crowd of people and you instantly know whether it's working or not.

We always talk about how the first several seasons were faithful to the books, and anybody who wanted to could go onto Wikipedia and learn Ned Stark gets beheaded or about The Red Wedding, and most people don't want to know - because why ruin a story?

When I was a girl, the idea that the British Empire could ever end was absolutely inconceivable. And it just disappeared, like all the other empires. You know, when people talk about the British Empire, they always forget that all the European countries had empires.

I've always liked TV shows that have slightly unlikable leads, where you root for them in spite of a lot of things. I know it's not common with shows with young people; they have to be so likable. But, I mean, teenagers just generally aren't very likable. I know I wasn't as a teenager.

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