You can always become better.

I was always an overachiever.

The bad boy: always more fun.

It's always too early to quit.

The beginning is always today.

I'm self-deprecating - always.

I'm always trolling for trivia.

Revolutions are always verbose.

Scientists are always skeptics.

Biology always beats will power.

My family is always my priority.

The world is always in movement.

There is always room at the top.

The snake will always bite back.

I always admired Graeme Souness.

I wasn't always this introverted.

Hard work always wins in the end.

A liar is always lavish of oaths.

Innocence is always unsuspicious.

I always play women I would date.

We are always the same age inside.

Hindsight is always twenty-twenty.

No one but a fool is always right.

I always compose on the harmonium.

Drag wasn't always counterculture.

Temerity is not always successful.

Once a champion, always a champion.

The future is always beginning now.

The best way out is always through.

I always was intrigued by the N.B.A.

I have always aimed for versatility.

Always do what you are afraid to do.

Be sweet, be good, and honest always.

I was always drawn to the didgeridoo.

Life is always at some turning point.

Win or lose, I always learn something.

I'd always rather be lucky than smart.

It is always good to make new friends.

I'm the legend. I always be the legend.

It's always nice to see familiar faces.

It is always the unreadable that occurs.

Always desire to learn something useful.

Always be a little kinder than necessary.

Be yourself, but always your better self.

I'm limitless. Glass is always half full.

The Bachelorette' is always entertaining.

Audacity, more audacity, always audacity.

To some people I'll always be the bad guy.

It is always a mistake to be plain-spoken.

Always the journey, never the destination.

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