Everything contains its antithesis.

Authority. The antithesis of science.

Patience is the direct antithesis of anger.

Perfection is the antithesis of authenticity.

I was supposed to be the antithesis of Frank.

I hope I am the antithesis of disposable fashion.

If awkward has an antithesis, it is probably Barack Obama.

A moral monopoly is the antithesis of a marketplace of ideas.

For many Americans, Trump is the antithesis of the leftist elite.

Mind is the antithesis of reflex, and only mind could discover mind

War is not just the business of death, it is the antitheses of life.

Who ever asked theses and antitheses if they want to become syntheses?

I am anti-Bush. A lot of what he stands for is the antithesis of what I stand for.

Myra Breckenridge is the antithesis of sex symbol. She's revolutionary; she's a warrior.

Christmas is the antithesis of Thanksgiving. Christmas is pretty much a man-made holiday.

Worry is the antithesis of trust. You simply cannot do both. They are mutually exclusive.

I'm kind of the antithesis of a comedian. People that don't like me will agree with that.

Al-Qa'ida is the antithesis of the peace, tolerance and humanity that is at the heart of Islam.

This liberal progressive agenda... is the antithesis of who we are as a constitutional republic.

In brief, egoism in its modern interpretation, is the antithesis, not of altruism, but of idealism.

The farther a society progresses, the more clearly the individual becomes the antithesis of the group.

Don't Seek Happiness. If you seek it, you won't find it, because seeking is the antithesis of happiness

Socialism is the antithesis of opportunity and it's time to reject this failed and dangerous idea once and for all.

I sometimes struggle, because my job is like the antithesis of what surfing is all about. Surfing's simple. It's real.

Los Angeles gets a very bad rap, the perception, especially by us Brits, is 'Oh, it's so fake,' but it's the antithesis!

I come from a Catholic Republican military family in Georgia - the antithesis of Sean's hippie-artist-peacenik background.

I always thought the desert was the antithesis of peace - something that attacks you. So you don't go to the desert for peace.

I am an artist no matter what I do. I live for creativity. I think everyone should. It is the antithesis of being destructive.

As I see it, my focus has never been on masculine power rampant and triumphant but rather on the antithesis: masculine power impaired.

Lego for many parents is the antithesis of the high tech world. We are desperate to wean our little ones away from the tablets and into the bricks.

The American Right has an amazing ability to lionize leaders whose lives are the precise antithesis of the political values that define their image.

No school of philosophy has ever solved this question of whether being determines consciousness or the other way around. It may be a false antithesis.

A creature who has spent his life creating one particular representation of his selfdom will die rather than become the antithesis of that representation

I think trying to be hot is the antithesis of trying to be funny. If you're aware of what you look like, or you're trying to... you can't be truly funny.

I think that this liberal progressive agenda is not the thing that the American people want and it's antithesis to who we are as a constitutional republic.

Inspiration may be a form of super-consciousness, or perhaps of subconsciousness I wouldn't know. But I am sure it is the antithesis of self-consciousness.

I strongly supported the war against Houthi rebels because I saw them as the antithesis of the Arab Spring that my government, unlike me, fiercely opposed.

Having plenty of living space has to be the greatest luxury in a city, and I guess in some sense Bombay is the antithesis of what living in Canada must be.

British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right, which is the antithesis of the values this country represents: decency, tolerance, respect.

I think, for me, winning opens doors to all types of shapes and sizes and genres to come on the show and kill it. I'm probably the antithesis of what American Idols have been.

Woodstock was the antithesis of what the music industry turned into. And if anyone tries to tie another Woodstock festival to an obnoxious sponsor, I'll be out protesting again.

I think the BJP is a joke. It is a party of semi-literates and has fascist tendencies. Such a party can never have real roots in India because Hinduism is the antithesis of fascism.

Being the everyman in the writing room helps a lot: you have to be a real collaborator and selfless, and not have ego when you walk in there. That's the antithesis of the artist mentality.

The antithesis between a technical and a liberal education is fallacious. There can be no adequate technical education which is not liberal, and no liberal education which is not technical.

Having a kid who begged for 'just a few more minutes' of television was the antithesis of what I had hoped parenthood would be. It was resigning ourselves to a universe of want and consumption.

I was a big fan of John Cassavetes, his wife, Gena Rowlands, and that era of filmmaking which was about realism and which represented the antithesis of the dreamy escapism you found in musicals.

My life has been the antithesis of that book 'The Secret'. I've always been interested in doing what I do. I love storytelling and I really enjoyed acting, but it never seemed like a realistic thing.

TV's not the problem, and I'm tired of it being posed as this antithesis to creativity and productivity. If TV's getting in your way of writing a book, then you don't want to write a book bad enough.

Horror isn't only about ghosts or monsters. For example, paranormal romance seems the antithesis of horror. Once you have a sexy, fun vampire who is sweet, and you have a happy ending, it's not horror.

Now the relation which, in the sphere of nature, being and semblance or sensation bear to one another in this antithesis, is the same as that which in ethics exists between good and pleasure or feeling.

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