I need the applause.

Applause waits on success.

Old men need applause too.

Applause abates diligence.

It was all cheese and applause.

From self alone expect applause.

Applause is a receipt, not a bill.

Applause is the beginning of abuse

As a performer, we look for applause.

Popular applause veers with the wind.

applause, n. The echo of a platitude.

I always get more applause than votes.

Nothing but disaster follows from applause.

Applause is a receipt, not a note of demand.

We should welcome applause whenever it comes.

Kings fight for empires, madmen for applause.

Evil report carries further than any applause.

I don't really feel that I deserve all my applause.

I've always believed applause is food for an artist.

Those who play for applause....Tha t’s all they get.

It is harder to avoid censure than to gain applause.

Nobody kicks on being interrupted if it's by applause.

So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause.

The applause of silence. is the only kind that counts.

Silence,--the applause of real and durable impressions.

Success listens only to applause. To all else it is deaf

Success listens only to applause. To all else it is deaf.

I like audiences and performing and, you know... applause!

Appreciation, applause, approval, respect - we all love it!

The hoopla, the applause, the praises have never excited me.

The applause of a single human being is of great consequence.

The applause of a single human being is of great consequence.

In the vain laughter of folly wisdom hears half its applause.

I am taking the applause sign home, putting it in the bedroom.

There is nothing an economist should fear so much as applause.

What you applaud you encourage, but beware what you celebrate.

A universal applause is seldom less than two thirds of a scandal

Just about the only interruption we don't object to is applause.

The envious die not once, but as oft as the envied win applause.

If anyone boos you offstage, that is simply applause from ghosts.

There is nothing that compares to an unexpected round of applause.

Applause is the spur of noble minds, the end and aim of weak ones.

Bacon's the best, even the frying of bacon sounds like an applause.

We protest against unjust criticism but we accept unarmed applause.

When I got through, Duke Ellington stood up and started the applause.

People who love the applause should have it, but I don't care for it.

Satirists gain the applause of others through fear, not through love.

If anyone ever boos you off stage, that is simply applause from ghosts.

We believe... that the applause of silence is the only kind that counts.

I thank you in advance for the great round of applause I'm about to get.

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