I got married at 24. It was an arranged marriage.

Most of the tree of life is effectively arranged.

Physics is experience, arranged in economical order.

I arranged the first meeting between Ariel Sharon and the settlers.

His head is made of stars, but not yet arranged into constellations.

I have no idea if I will go for an arranged marriage or love marriage.

Everything is arranged so that it be this way, this is what is called culture.

I don't think I will go for an arranged marriage, but I am not against arranged marriages.

Objects in pictures should so be arranged as by their very position to tell their own story.

I have to admit: I have been known to be obsessively neat and like things arranged 'just so.'

I don't mind an arranged marriage. The girl my parents choose could be the girl of my dreams.

It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it.

Create around one at least a small circle where matters are arranged as one wants them to be.

I think I've become the brand ambassador of arranged marriages, especially for working Indian women.

People might be surprised because I settled for an arranged marriage, but that's what's chosen for us.

I have deliberately arranged my life so that I see pictures of cute animals on the Internet every day.

I will definitely give myself a second chance. Either arranged or love, I will definitely marry again.

Science is knowledge arranged and classified according to truth, facts, and the general laws of nature.

We've arranged a civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology.

Stunts have to be meticulously arranged. Choreographed. You could take a fight scene and set it to music.

The elements, if arranged according to their atomic weights, exhibit an apparent periodicity of properties.

Most Kikuyu marriages were arranged on the basis of what is described by anthropologists as the bride price.

Words differently arranged have a different meaning, and meanings differently arranged have different effects.

Most of the most important experiences that truly educate cannot be arranged ahead of time with any precision.

George W. had a plan. He arranged to join the Air National Guard in Texas, which meant he would not be sent to Vietnam.

No offense, but I don't get the whole concept of arranged marriage. I'd rather know the person who I'll settle down with.

As a Punjabi, you only have to look at your own family's past to find horror stories about arranged marriages and brutality.

I never wrote music or arranged songs or lyrics when I was under the influence of anything but coffee. That's not gone away.

In March 2008, when I was 24 years old, a man I had been dating arranged for an accomplice to throw sulphuric acid in my face.

Arranged marriages are ones where you got to learn who the person is after you actually get married, which can be challenging.

I respond very easily to outside events. One's life is a matter of chance. Nothing that you've arranged for yourself works out.

My parents really wanted me to have an arranged marriage when I was younger, but I think they have updated a bit with the times.

For most of my life, I, like many Americans, had greeted the idea of an arranged marriage with a mixture of fascination and skepticism.

The only thing that I find repetitive is the number of marriages I have arranged in films. That is one thing I stay away from in real life.

When I was ten, I caught glandular fever and had to have a year off school. My parents arranged for a tutor to keep me on track with my studies.

The best books of our times have included the three mature volumes of Philip Larkin. They're very short books of poems, and very carefully arranged.

We rarely write in the studio. Everything's already completely arranged before we go in. That way, we can really focus on getting the recording right.

I'm a believer in arranged marriages. I mean, mine was kind of an arranged marriage. My sister introduced me to my husband. You know, kind of set it up.

After an extensive interview he arranged for my weaknesses in foreign languages to be over-looked and so I started a Biology degree at Birmingham in 1967.

A film is like a mad arranged marriage, with all these people who don't necessarily want to be with each other forced into this intimate, exhausting process.

During the election in 1989, there was the first Soviet election with alternative candidates to local government. I myself arranged special training for them.

I had arranged a birthday party for him and my children, who are all Aquarians. Instead, we got married. I ran out of excuses. It was just us and my children.

My mom actually arranged for all my friends and I to have a makeup tutorial when we first started wearing makeup. That way, we learned how not to do our makeup.

Arranged marriages get a bad reputation. Do they always work? No, but that's true of all marriages. As long as you aren't forced, who cares how you get together?

Libraries are public treasuries. They're ways in which well-meaning societies leave the wealth of the past arranged A to Z so that anyone walking past can find it.

The practical core of democracy, defined functionally, is the peaceful exchange of power between different groups of powerful political players arranged in parties.

I had an arranged marriage, and learnt you have to persevere and remember we are all human and all have faults. Obviously my husband Abdal has more faults than I do!

Hungry Joe collected lists of fatal diseases and arranged them in alphabetical order so that he could put his finger without delay on any one he wanted to worry about.

For 'Portillo's Hidden History of Britain,' I arranged to meet men and women who were witnesses to history - ordinary people who were caught up in extraordinary events.

Yes, many people in rural parts of India are very orthodox and have arranged marriages. But I won't - I want to fall madly in love with someone and be whisked off my feet.

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