I aspired to be extremely sophisticated.

I always aspired to do something different.

What I aspired to be and was not, comforts me.

The movie I end up with is the movie I aspired to make.

This is the kind of work I've aspired to my whole career.

I haven't got one or two people that I aspired to be like.

I aspired to playing at Glastonbury, not just the Camden Palais.

Being a 'Lady' used to be something to which all young women aspired.

Robert Bolt's storytelling is the kind that I grew up with and aspired to.

I've always aspired to Cary Grant's level of coolness and failed miserably.

My dad was an editor and a writer, and that's actually what I aspired to be.

I'm not as good a prose writer as I'd like to be, but I never aspired to that.

Both my mother and my grandmother aspired to be opera singers. And they studied it.

I'm just an entertainer. All I want to be is funny. I never aspired to play Hamlet.

I never took lessons. And I never aspired to be a singer until I was one in a band.

I aspired to make 'Tum Bin II' better than my first film, if not as good as 'Tum Bin.'

I never aspired to be a screen hero; all I ever wanted was for people to respect what I do.

Even if I aspired to be in showbiz, I felt physically inadequate being compared to my parents.

I have always aspired to be a writer, be it as an author or a screenwriter, whatever the medium.

I said 'no' to the 'Born Survivor' producer three times because I've never aspired to be a TV man.

I have always aspired to be the type of role model who can bridge the deaf and hearing communities.

I was working - just a regular working-class guy - but, at the same time, always aspired to do music.

Is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame that important to me? No. Is it something I've aspired towards? No.

All I ever wanted to do was bit parts on Broadway. I have more than achieved any goal that I aspired to.

As a kid, I wanted to be a musician but also aspired to be Andy Griffith's lawyer character, Ben Matlock.

I've wanted to be an actress my whole life, and the - none of the women I aspired to be like had natural hair.

Growing up with strong female role models is always inspiring, and growing up, that was something I aspired to play.

I've wanted to be a writer since I was seven, but I didn't grow up in family where people aspired to live as writers.

I never aspired to be Speaker simply so I could say, 'I am the Speaker of the House of Commons,' and tell my children that.

I'm a solid Labour party supporter. I aspired to be a Labour MP, but it's difficult to make the leap from the Foreign Office.

I'd aspired to give people a profound education - to teach them something substantial. But the data was at odds with this idea.

I have always felt that the best gardens aspired to coppice and that the best woods have all the elements of the very best gardens.

I have grown up watching franchise-based movies like 'Star Wars' and read 'Amar Chitra Katha' and had aspired to do cinema like that.

I've never really aspired to the spotlight; I just wanted to do music, which is kind of weird because music comes with that spotlight.

Looking back, when I was fourteen, I aspired to... be the best believer, husband, father, businessman, and man of integrity that I can be.

I never aspired to be a public figure. I have always been interested primarily in real business and the development of business strategies.

Talking to my wife, we stare at each other, saying, 'How is this happening? Why is this happening? Why now?' It's nothing I ever aspired to.

I aspired from early on to write a novel, to be in the 'New Yorker,' to be on Broadway, and at least in a fleeting way, I got all those things.

Lumpy and lazy; I aspired to lethargy. In the second year of university, I missed half my classes just because I couldn't pull myself out of bed.

Driving a fast/luxurious car has always been something I aspired to. For some reason, it makes me super happy being behind the wheel of these cars.

If you aspired and wanted to get on in life, as so many immigrants families did, Margaret Thatcher was your champion, your role model, your heroine.

I have always aspired to create beautiful designs that make women feel elegant and confident - for me, that is my greatest challenge and inspiration.

I was never desperate to work in Bollywood though I aspired to do a movie across the border but only if I was offered a strong character and a main lead.

I never ever aspired for anything in life. I don't believe in planning or yearning for something very strongly. If something has to happen, it will happen.

I've always thought of Boeing as the premier aerospace company in the world, so as I was coming up through school, it was the company I aspired to work for.

I remember my parents being really on me about speaking in a certain way when I was young, I think because they came from a class that aspired to talk like that.

This new project, 'Excursions,' has been a trip down my own memory lane before 'Minecraft,' when I aspired to create music I could hear on a commute to dance to.

What we aspired to in 1998, we have wildly surpassed. And I know we all feel incredibly grateful and lucky this band has been able to have the life that it's had.

The long, cold Minnesota winters instilled in me a fascination for exotic far off places; I aspired toward a career in tropical diseases and world health problems.

I saw my gender - and myself - as something of a construct. Like anyone who read one too many women studies' books in the 1990s, I aspired to both 'do' and undo my sex.

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