I'm a different athlete, I'm a different person.

Durability is part of what makes a great athlete.

If I did that, playing golf would drive me crazy.

The only real stupidity is that of a closed mind.

He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.

Models are like athletes: You burn hard and fast.

The athlete must make a devotion of his specialty.

I am just a common man who is true to his beliefs.

The guy is the greatest male athletes of all time.

Reading for writers is like training for athletes.

My parents wanted me to become a national athlete.

Music is my sport, and I'm the number-one athlete.

Being with the Dap-Kings is like being an athlete.

So much of our future lies in preserving our past.

I am not competing to be an athlete. I make music.

And as a true athlete, mistakes haunt you forever.

When you look at athletes, they have fundamentals.

No athlete is crowned but in the sweat of his brow.

I was always more of an athlete. I like to compete.

Actors geek out over athletes. Everyone knows that.

I always had that desire to become a great athlete.

My athlete idol is Usain Bolt. He's inhumanly fast!

If you're fail to prepare, you're prepared to fail.

Dai Greene will be our greatest-ever Welsh athlete.

Being an athlete, my job was to physically perform.

Every kid needs a mentor. Everybody needs a mentor.

I think marriage and athletes is a bad combination.

I'm lucky because I have an athlete between my legs.

Bobsledders are big athletes, and I'm a big athlete.

Bam Bam Bigelow was an amazing athlete for his size.

If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score?

There is no mat space for malcontents or dissenters.

Coaching my own kid is driving both him and me crazy

For an athlete, there's no time off until it's over.

I don't think you're human if you don't get nervous.

If you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter.

It feels so good to be the World Athlete of the Year.

I'm a purist, and I'm more a fighter than an athlete.

You have to train your mind like you train your body.

Doing your best is more important than being the best.

The doors fly open when you're a professional athlete.

I wouldn't say I'm a phenomenon, just a great athlete.

Reporters often forget that athletes are human beings.

Male athletes don't get dropped when they father kids.

I'm impassioned about injury prevention as an athlete.

Well, either side could win it, or it could be a draw.

I'm an athlete. I go out there and fight my heart out.

I know that I was put on this planet to be an athlete.

It is more difficult to stay on top than to get there.

For an athlete, there's no time off... until it's over.

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