If you're not balanced, your mind's not balanced... my fuse went.

Superior athletes want to be accountable for their own results. —

I think the sport needs the help to continue to motivate athletes.

Do your best... really that's all you can ask for from an athlete.

Training is what you are doing while your opponent is sleeping in.

People still think I'm a bit of a buffoon - not really an athlete.

The two most important things to athletes, playing time and money.

It was five years since I'd won a race, so I was a bit bewildered.

Desire is the most important factor in the success of any athlete.

They're still in the game, and they're trying to get back into it.

To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.

You don't have to try to hurt people and be angry to be an athlete.

I can only tell you that I am a clean athlete and an honest person.

A ton of athletes, even if they know your name, pretend they don't.

Football develops, it becomes quicker, players develop as athletes.

When you fall, get right back up. Just keep going, keep pushing it.

I never claimed to be anything more than a nice guy and an athlete.

It is not the size of a man but the size of his heart that matters.

God gets you to the plate, but once you're there you're on your own.

Instead of using brushes all the time, try a palette knife to paint.

I am an athlete in every sense of the word. Athlete, martial artist.

It had always been a British preoccupation to hold this mile record.

When I'm in my groove there is no thinking. Everything just happens.

The most important attribute a player must have is mental toughness.

Competitive toughness is an acquired skill and not an inherited gift.

The more difficult the victory, the greater the happiness in winning.

you'd definitely think of me more as a good sport than as an athlete.

Sport and life is about losing. It's about understanding how to lose.

The moment an athlete doesn't train, things start to get a bit rusty.

I'm an athlete rep, so I'll be available if they need me for anything

Very few athletes have the chance to be brought into the White House.

I've been in motorsport my whole life since I was eight years of age.

For glory gives herself only to those who have always dreamed of her.

I was an athlete, but I hung out with the band guys. I was adaptable.

The way to stay popular as a quarterback in the NFL is never to play.

As an athlete, I was never really comfortable with being a celebrity.

There are all these athletes out there cheating. I am clean and pure.

Success for an athlete follows many years of hard work and dedication.

Being on TV is similar to being an athlete. You get no second chances.

Get going. Get up and walk if you have to, but finish the damned race.

Theres that initial reticence for some athletes to take you seriously.

I didn't aspire to be a good sport; "champion" was good enough for me.

When you're riding, only the race in which you're riding is important.

I'm an athlete rep, so I'll be available if they need me for anything.

I don't know if I'm a good kickball player; I know I'm a good athlete.

I think the athletes respond well to me because I have been successful.

I think it's very easy for people to stereotype athletes, good and bad.

It all goes so fast, and character makes the difference when it's close

One thing about me is that my parents didn't force me to be an athlete.

Some people say I have attitude - maybe I do...but I think you have to.

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