I think that to be a competitive athlete, you have to be goal-oriented.

I'm a Christian who happens to be an athlete, not the other way around.

There has never been a great athlete who died not knowing what pain is.

For a time, at least, I was the most famous person in the entire world.

Olympic athletes have to find a job right after they're done competing.

As an athlete, you'd better laugh at yourself when you slip in the mud.

The ones who want to achieve and win championships motivate themselves.

A male athlete's peak, I believe, should be somewhere between 26 and 30.

If you can't see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror.

A businessman needs a laptop. Athletes need massages and the right diet.

The young athletes are supposed to mature, to improve their personality.

My father was just an amateur; my mother is not even an athlete herself.

My long-range mission is to be the first athlete to win the Nobel Prize.

Mediocre athletes that tried like hell to get good are the best coaches.

I was the very first athlete in East Germany allowed to go professional.

No other athlete in any sport has ever had to go through what I have to.

I used to pray that God would make me a great athlete, and He never did.

I have always wanted to be on Broadway, whether on ice or on the boards.

I'm an athlete, I'm funny, I'm creative, I can tell a story, I'm likable.

My favourite meal is penne carbonara - that's good for an athlete, right?

You can motivate players better with kind words than you can with a whip.

I believe in God. He is the secret of my success. He gives people talent.

I'm an actress, model and athlete, and I'd put athlete third on the list.

All athletes would be better if they eat better. Junk in equals Junk out.

When anyone tells me I can't do anything, I'm just not listening anymore.

Coos Bay is a sports-minded town. You had to be an athlete to be somebody.

I was a very good athlete: actually professional in the sport of handball.

I don't believe my athletes care what I know, until they know that I care.

The really great athletes make their news on the field, not off the field.

As an athlete, I've always been very proud to represent the United States.

I've never known anybody to achieve anything without overcoming adversity.

First of all, I really never imagined myself being a professional athlete.

I was so afraid that the athletes wouldn't talk to me because I'm a woman.

You don't play against opponents, you play against the game of basketball.

As an Olympic champion gymnast, I have always stayed involved in my sport.

I think there's nothing sadder than a pro athlete who plays past his prime.

Everyone has been injured, regardless of whether they're an athlete or not.

The activity of a singer that sings opera is similar to that of an athlete.

I think I'm a crossover athlete to get the sport into the mainstream media.

In England, when an athlete gets to the top, we do our best to destroy him.

Life is about being a versatile athlete and training in all realms of life.

To have any doubt in your body is the biggest weakness an athlete can have.

The quality of your play never counts as much as the quality of your effort.

Confidence is the most important quality in all athlete-coach relationships.

Leaders are like eagles... they don't flock. You'll find them one at a time.

As a youngster, I enjoyed sport and my ambition was to be a great sportsman.

I might not be a great athlete, but I think I'm a real good football player.

Athletes try to get other athletes out and they should have no false starts.

Nowadays a gold medal is a $1 million contract. Our athletes are our heroes.

The hardest job kids face today is learning good manners without seeing any.

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