He is very upbeat but we hear that all the time from just about any athlete.

Sometimes, as an athlete, you think everything you touch can turn into gold.

I am blessed with a reasonable athletic talent and was an athlete in school.

Any athlete has massive reserves in their body and their emotional landscape.

It was so much fun being in the Olympic Village and meeting all the athletes.

Athletes today get into a single-minded, one sport routine. I can't stand it.

I'd love to work with Charlotte Flair; she's the best athlete in our company.

The Olympic Games were created for the exhaltation of the individual athlete.

When I was in high school I was a super serious athlete. I wasn't fun at all.

I will be a complete man, a complete athlete, with a fight with Roy Jones Jr.

I'm not a yeller. My theory is that no one goes out there trying to screw up.

It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.

My most frequent admonition to athletes and coaches is: train, do not strain.

Marathon running is a terrible experience: monotonous, heavy, and exhausting.

You have to have competent people evaluating the athlete, not the housewives!

Having a home away from the media glare is important to world-class athletes.

Enthusiasm is everything. It must be taut and vibrating like a guitar string.

Psychologically, for an athlete to miss a game because of injury, it's tough.

As a young athlete, it was first about having fun; then it was about winning.

I've had this sneaking feeling throughout the game that it's there to be won.

True champions aren't always the ones that win, but those with the most guts.

When I was in high school I was a super serious athlete. I wasn't fun at all.

I never look backwards. I have always been an athlete. I boxed before I acted.

Life is awesome as a college athlete, and then it's a total cliff to jump off.

You've got to look for tough competition. You've got to want to beat the best.

My biggest accomplishment has been making a transition from athlete to author.

I was so surprised. Then again, I was so relaxed in the water, it felt amazing

I never in a million years thought I would be able to be a Paralympic athlete.

I'm tall and thin but not strong, so you're either an athlete or you're funny.

It's only when it comes to crunch time that people's true character comes out.

I don't need to scare the other athletes. When I'm running, I will scare them.

I like to think that I'm a family man first and a professional athlete second.

I think England will win a Test. My concern is Australia will probably win two.

I'm not the perfect model of what an athlete should be, mentally or physically.

The writer ... an athlete required to break the four-minute mile every morning.

I don't want the natural athlete -- I want a guy who'll go after the hard ones.

As an athlete, as a free agent, you owe it to yourself to explore your options.

Meeting sports athletes that are the best in the world is a thrill to this day.

I see myself as an athlete and just try to market myself as a feminine athlete.

True disputants are like true sportsmen: their whole delight is in the pursuit.

There is no correlation between a childhood success and a professional athlete.

You always need younger guys if you're going to be successful in the long term.

I have always thought of myself as an athlete - even at the ripe old age of 52.

I train like a pro-athlete, not like an actor who's just trying to look pretty.

Tony knew me both as an athlete and as a person. He cared for me like a father.

I don't think being an athlete is unfeminine. I think of it as a kind of grace.

As an athlete, you are literally programmed to endure a specific amount of pain.

As an athlete you have to be coachable. And being coachable is a humbling thing.

It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up.

As an athlete, confidence makes me more competitive and helps me perform better.

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