I do not like negative attacks.

I've had paranoid panic attacks.

Cyber attacks are not going away.

I get panic attacks in big crowds.

When a person attacks, it's rough.

I suffer from anxiety attacks a lot.

I used to have panic and anxiety attacks.

There have been many attacks on my company.

What you haven't seen from me are false attacks.

I think attacks on civilians in fact boost morale.

Encryption would help prevent a lot of cyber attacks.

Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless.

After the attacks on September 11th, we all learned lessons.

Airport security exists to guard us against terrorist attacks.

It not unusual for women with anorexia to suffer heart attacks.

I had panic attacks as a little girl, and they were not subtle.

I've always been a guy that, I don't know, just attacks pressure.

When Trump attacks the news media, he's kicking a wounded animal.

Yeah. I do get incredibly anxious. Almost borderline panic attacks.

I'm not joining in personal attacks... I don't do personal attacks.

Good keepers sniff out attacks whether with the feet or a throw out.

It's a bit of a myth that too much cholesterol causes heart attacks.

Unjust attacks on public men do them more good than unmerited praise.

I don't approve of many of the attacks of Black Lives Matter. I don't.

When I have anxiety attacks, I always think I'm having a heart attack.

There was no silver bullet that could have prevented the 9/11 attacks.

Anyone who's suffered from panic attacks knows how frightening they are.

I try not to make personal attacks on people - unless they're deserving.

I do personal attacks only on people who specialize in personal attacks.

Attacks of divine transports are of pride and I accept the part assigned.

I start sweating and shaking and having panic attacks if I am not at home.

When I changed my degree to acting, I almost gave my parents heart attacks.

English football is very offensive, all about fast attacks, and I like that.

The terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, changed the way we think about security.

Malicious attacks on the Soviet Union produce a natural feeling of indignation.

It is important to stress: Africa is also a victim of the September 11 attacks.

I say what I think, and if somebody attacks me unfairly, I definitely tell them.

We now know that gun-free zones, though well intentioned, do not prevent attacks.

I grew up very self-loathing. I was a phobic. I had anxiety. I had panic attacks.

As recently as 1979, neither panic attacks nor panic disorder officially existed.

I am opposed to heart attacks and cancer and strokes the way I am opposed to sin.

Before you give up hope, turn back and read the attacks that were made on Lincoln.

The moments before I fall asleep are when my list of things to do attacks my brain.

Like all Americans, I will never forget where I was the morning of the 9/11 attacks.

When someone attacks you, there is always an opportunity, and that's what I look for.

We clearly realize that freedom's inner kingdom cannot be touched by exterior attacks.

I've been politically radical my whole life, so when the left attacks, that hurts more.

The blame for the 9/11 attacks lays squarely and exclusively with the Al-Qaeda network.

All of these attacks on Secretary Clinton, at the end of the day, are character attacks.

We have to stay away from the personal attacks. I think it turns off a lot of Canadians.

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