I think I attract love triangles!

I just make films that attract me.

Things that are unknown attract us.

The kind of energy I attract is very calm.

I often wonder why I attract so much criticism.

I want to attract the best people into teaching.

We do not attract what we want, But what we are.

Politicians are trying to attract people to issues.

Costumes and scenery alone will not attract audiences.

Content that surprises the audience will attract them.

I want to attract as many people to wrestling as I can.

The music I do and the fans I attract? I got crazy fans.

I don't want to attract attention because I open my mouth.

To attract men, I wear a perfume called 'New Car Interior.'

My designs are meant to attract the hand as well as the eye.

I sometimes feel that I have been born to attract controversy.

In truth, Jesus did not, in his own time, attract much notice.

True art tries not to attract attention in order to be noticed.

I have this theory, bands with enigmatic lyrics attract crazies.

A quiet personality sure isn't what you need to attract attention.

If you're naturally kind, you attract a lot of people you don't like.

We do not attract Russian money to Luxembourg with high interest rates.

I seem to attract and be attracted to very willful, fascinating people.

Hyperbolic headlines always attract more attention than mundane truths.

It's not being superficial, but looks do attract me from across the gym.

One of the most important jobs of a great leader is to attract great talent.

I'm proud that I've been able to attract an incredible team to work with me.

I've always said, if you treat yourself like a queen, you'll attract a king.

All media owners want to attract advertising revenue. Google is no different.

We need strong personalities and only one world champion to attract sponsors.

We are fortunate to attract an energy executive as strong as Banmali Agrawala.

'Kochadaiyaan' is a fantasy film. It will attract not only children but everyone.

I enjoy having a large audience, but I don't do anything special to attract them.

I don't think I need to wear a bikini to attract the audience. I will not do that.

A lie should be tried in a place where it will attract the attention of the world.

It's true that I'm drawn to unusual stories. Normal roles don't really attract me.

Fixing our schools must begin with reforming the way we attract talent to teaching.

I don't think there are roles that would attract me to do a long run in the theatre.

I never want people to be repulsed with my pictures; I always want to attract people.

Guys always attract my attention when they wear nice clothes and they make an effort.

A skilled, well-educated workforce will attract more companies and jobs to our state.

I don't like other actors much. The industry tends to attract insecure, needy people.

Right angles don't attract me. Nor straight, hard and inflexible lines created by man.

I'm not out for quotas. I'm out to attract the best young men and women of our nation.

I think the audience expect me to be on saas-bahu dramas - such shows attract me also.

I was never very good at stopping crowds. I started blowing bubbles to attract people.

The resources of our continent attract, more than ever, the interests of rich countries.

A gimmick would be something you'd do to attract attention or to bring fame and fortune.

Free movement of people makes it easier for our universities to attract the best talent.

Frontrunners always attract envy, and a desperate campaign to stop them in their tracks.

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