I just want to be treated like an average guy.

I think I'm a little more mature than the average guy.

He was the average guy. Maurice, I think, reflected every man.

I want to come across as an average guy, talking to his neighbor.

I'm a movie maker, but I have the same feelings as the average guy out there.

I'm an average guy, skinny, not so tall, I put my sunglasses on, and I blend in.

Unfortunately, the average guy on the street believes that studying evolution leads to atheism.

I'm a pretty average guy and want to keep a low profile. I don't want the world necessarily to know about me.

I don't want to be just an average guy. I want to do whatever possible to win a lot of games. I'm a competitor.

The average guy doesn't have an army of lobbyists and lawyers working on his behalf every day in the White House.

I spent my whole life as a writer talking to just the average guy in Los Angeles and Latin America, talking to working people.

I was a DC fan; The Flash was always my favorite character. He was sort of the most average guy amongst all of these icons, even though he had super speed, you know?

Love is all about understanding each other. There are thousands of perfect men out there but I might find my comfort zone in a pretty average guy. That's love for me.

I think the average guy thinks they're pro-woman, just because they think they're a nice guy and someone has told them that they're awesome. But the truth is far from it.

When something really bad is going on in a culture, the average guy doesn't see it. He can't. He's average and is surrounded by and immersed in the cant and discourse of the status quo.

I would like to play an average guy. I would have loved to play opposite John Candy in a movie. That was my dream for a long time, and sadly, now I can never realize that. But I'd like to do comedy.

I don't care if the average guy on the street really knows what I'm like, as long as he knows I'm not really a mean, vicious guy. My friends and family know what I'm really like. That's what's important.

People... need a time to laugh. It's up to us to bonk ourselves on the head and slip on a banana peel so the average guy can say, 'I may be bad, honey, but I'm not as much of an idiot as that guy on the screen.'

Growing up in Ohio and just being kind of an average guy from flyover country - my dad was a factory guy - I try to put things on a screen that reflect reality. I don't mind if people want to argue with that, or think that's crazy.

That's something the head scarf, in a symbolic way, is meant to do in Arabic culture: it defines your relationship to your husband and the men of your family differently than your relationship to the average guy on the street you've never met.

I believe that the average guy in the street will give up a great deal, if he really understands the cost of not giving it up. In fact, we may find that, while we're drastically cutting our energy consumption, we're actually raising our standard of living.

Scorsese and De Niro taught me to bring out the natural side of myself. And they taught me to think of myself as the average guy. Sometimes the average guy belongs in a role more than your matinee idol-type of person. We have to have people we can relate to.

Unions are the result of profit seekers. Unions are the way the average guy gets even with evil corporateers. The unions are godsends. The unions have a special status, because they represent the rising up of the average man against the evil corporateers and profiteers.

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