Formula One has been the backdrop of my life.

Harveys opened against the backdrop of Thatcher's greed culture.

Heroism is heroism, regardless of the timeframe or the backdrop.

For me, the backdrop of half the experiences of life includes music.

Time is the backdrop of our lives and the very fabric of the cosmos.

Every day life must always be lived against the backdrop of eternity.

Reading. Reading was the stable backdrop against which my life was played.

All my adult life, there was the Troubles. That was the backdrop of my life.

I love white walls because white reflects the light and is a great backdrop for art.

'Madras Cafe' is set against the backdrop of the civil war in Sri Lanka in the 1990s.

'Kanche' is not primarily a war film: it is a lovely story set against a war backdrop.

Ultimately, users visit your website for its content. Everything else is just the backdrop.

Even though I love Hindi films, I don't remember any backdrop visuals that are really striking.

Hollywood is the backdrop of my family, and I know that the movie business is incredibly cruel as you get older.

Theater was always in the backdrop. Nursing was a way to pay the bills. I wasn't a nurse; I had a nursing agency.

Setting is the bedrock of your story. If you choose a real-world backdrop, be certain you get your facts straight.

I know 'Napalm' seems like a military-themed album, but what it is, is just the backdrop and the imagery that we used.

What's so strong about 'Game of Thrones' is that it's a character and political drama, with a sort of fantasy backdrop.

'Brahmotsavam' is a love story set in a family backdrop... It's all about relationships people have on different levels.

To study consumer behavior is to explore human nature at its most fundamental level using the modern world as its backdrop.

As the years go by and I make more films, I am increasingly interested in capturing place as a vivid backdrop for my films.

After my second film, 'Simhadri,' which was a very big hit, I made 'Sye,' a small college movie with a rugby union backdrop.

I'm talented in other places, not only in songwriting, but music is always going to be the backdrop to whatever happens in life.

For any good course, you need somewhere beautiful to swim with a nice backdrop, some nice roads to cycle on, and a nice, fast run.

A walk in nature is a perfect backdrop to combine exercise, prayer, and meditation while enhancing the benefit of these activities.

You never know when I might decide to work in a Bollywood film and do one of those dance numbers with the whole crew in the backdrop.

The Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater in Vail is unlike any other performance venue in the world, set with mountains and trees as a backdrop.

In 18th-century Scotland, the main event was the Jacobite rebellion under Bonnie Prince Charlie, so that seems like a nice dramatic backdrop.

If you think the shifting tectonics of world history might make for a juicy crime fiction backdrop, the last decade or so has proved you right.

We are essentially in the business of telling stories. We would like to think that most of our stories are basically human stories with sports as a backdrop.

My dad had a retail business in Leavenworth, Kansas, and there's a whole bunch of prisons there, so it was a backdrop of my childhood, these ominous prisons sitting off the road.

When I cast great actors, I try to make extraordinary people ordinary, dealing with these extremely small intimate details of interpersonal relationships against an epic backdrop.

The first time we ever used the Dixie flag for our backdrop was actually when we went over to Europe in 1970. It looked good, so we all liked it. We never meant any racial things by it.

I'm using the afterlife as a backdrop against which to explore the joys and complexities of being human - it turns out that it's a great lens with which to understand what matters to us.

Visits to crowded Indian urban centers unleash sensory assaults: colorful dress and lilting chatter provide a backdrop to every manner of commerce, from small shops to peddlers to beggars.

Some Lynyrd Skynyrd songs are literally the backdrop of America. Songs like 'Simple Man' and 'Free Bird' and 'Alabama.' I wasn't prepared for how emotional the crowd gets during the songs.

I thought there couldn't be a better backdrop for some kind of powerful music than a big orchestra. My wish to hear how a guitar would sound in front of an orchestra has always been there.

With the backdrop of its geostrategic location and historical ties with the Middle East, Turkey has an essential role to play for the stability, peace and social development of the region.

I don't know what will come my way but I will continue to tell stories that excite me. I feel human beings are same everywhere, they work from a gamut of emotions the rest is just backdrop.

I love the idea of a beautiful neighborhood that represents the very best of American values, but also as a fun backdrop to some darker, deliciously sneaky things going on in people's lives.

I don't get why radio shows allow artists to do shows without creative control, without any art direction at all. Instead of that, I get their press guys, their camera guys to be my backdrop of my show.

I think we get used to not seeing the green things around us. I think they become the backdrop of our lives. And I think you actively have to ask somebody to request that they put that in the foreground.

There have been number of films that have been made with Mumbai as a backdrop or a character. 'Company,' 'Life In A Metro,' 'Ek Chalis Ki Last Local' - they all have presented Mumbai in a different manner.

The financial markets tend to be just a backdrop for a novel, for a heist or something that isn't necessarily integral to it. On the whole, I don't think the financial world has been well served by novels.

A poet or prose narrator usually looks back on what he has achieved against a backdrop of the years that have passed, generally finding that some of these achievements are acceptable, while others are less so.

The concept of 'DAM999' is very interesting, which director Sohan Roy has written. The entire idea was to capture or encapsulate the nine rasas depicting different human emotions in the backdrop of dam disaster.

Always from day one, we were the band on Warped Tour with a fog machine, and our backdrop had to be up - everyone thought we were the biggest idiots for that, total posers. But for us, we wanted to be over the top.

My earliest memory is nursing and struggling to see the colored lights making up the map of the world, the famous backdrop for Larry King's TV show. There's an 'I-want-to-do-all-things-at-once' kind of theme to it.

There is still a great deal of self-hatred that we refuse to deal with because we are still measuring ourselves against the norms of a masculine, heterosexual world. That is the backdrop with which we measure the man.

I think science fiction helps us think about possibilities, to speculate - it helps us look at our society from a different perspective. It lets us look at our mores, using science as the backdrop, as the game changer.

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