I grew up in the Canaan Baptist Church.

I'm Southern Baptist, not a meteorologist.

I grew up in a Baptist church my whole life.

I'm about as Baptist as you get in Hollywood.

You see, I was the son of a baptist minister.

Well - I was brought up as a Southern Baptist.

I grew up Southern Baptist. In the Bible Belt.

My mom's side, they're southern Baptist Christian.

But, yea, I grew up in a strong Baptist background.

My father was a Methodist and my mother was a Baptist.

I sang with Anita Bryant in the Southern Baptist churches.

Facebook was just John the Baptist. Twitter is the real deal.

My family is still very Southern Baptist, and they're religious.

I loved music since the Seth Ward Baptist Church outside of Plainview.

Martha Stewart contributes more to our civility than the Baptist Church.

I always wanted to be Robin Hood or John the Baptist when I was growing up.

My granddad and great granddad were Baptist preachers from Western Kentucky.

I was raised Baptist, and I like the fact that I got my conscience installed early.

You might say that Lyndon Johnson is a cross between a Baptist preacher and a cowboy.

My father's a Southern Baptist minister. I wasn't lighting cars on fire; I just wasn't.

My family is Jewish, Buddhist, Baptist and Catholic. I don't believe in man-made religions.

Being a Baptist won't keep you from sinning, but it'll sure as hell keep you from enjoying it.

As a member of Westboro Baptist Church, I became a fixture on picket lines across the country.

I grew up in the Baptist church and, honey, they baptized me about 14 times. It never did take.

I grew up as a Southern Baptist with strict adherence to the Bible, which I read as a youngster.

I have my own religion. I'm sort of one-quarter Baptist, one-quarter Catholic, one-quarter Jewish.

I'm from the South. I'm a Southern Baptist. I have a conservative point of view. I'm a Republican.

And, for instance, Baptists, Adventists, Lutherans, Pentecostals - let them exist on line with others.

I actually was raised Baptist. I'm from the South, so you definitely know a lot of conservative people.

You're either Mormon or Southern Baptist in my family. They're incredibly conservative and I love my family.

Baptists are very strong believers that the civil magistrate is ordained by God to punish those who do evil.

I may be a Jewish scientist, but I would be tickled silly if one day I were reincarnated as a Baptist preacher.

I was the second-youngest child in a family that took up the better part of an entire pew at our Baptist church.

My ordination in the Church of God in Christ was at age 9, and I later became a Baptist minister, which I am today.

My mom is a Sikh immigrant born in a refugee camp. My Irish-Swedish-Norwegian-Danish-English-American dad grew up Baptist.

I was in my dad's church, his Baptist church, and I think the first song I ever performed was 'Jesus Be a Fence Around Me.'

I was raised in the Baptist church... but I didn't really have a real committed experience with Christ until my father died.

I even went so far as to become a Southern Baptist for a while, until I realized that they didn't hold 'em under long enough.

Well, I was dedicated to God before I was born by Momma and Daddy, and I was raised in a very traditional Southern Baptist home.

I think that my preaching style and many of my ideas and ideals about faith are based in both Pentecostal and Baptist background.

I was overcome by the Holy Ghost one time, but in a Baptist way. I was six or seven, and I was saved. I just cried and cried. It was joy!

Well, for me, I grew up very Southern Baptist, and I definitely lived in my bubble. You know, I lived in my bubble that was in my church.

I was raised in a Baptist tradition, but then I went to an Episcopalian high school, and they were very accepting of people of all faiths.

My father was Catholic, my mom Baptist, so we were raised Baptist but had a lot of Catholic upbringing: fish on Fridays, no birth control.

Well, traditionally, how I grew up, I grew up in the Baptist Church, always going to church every Sunday, Sunday school, vacation Bible school.

My great-great-great-grandfather or something, I think his father came before him; but, in the 1840s, he was a circuit-riding Baptist preacher.

My dad didn't want me to listen to Zeppelin, I think because it reminded him of his wilder days, and now he's a retired Southern Baptist minister.

In Uganda, I am surrounded, unfortunately, by evangelicals; I can't bear it. Every night I hear the chants of Baptists urging people to be born again.

Once I started first grade, I started going to Emmanuel Baptist Church regularly. I went to Sunday school. We had Bible readings and things like that.

I grew up in the Methodist church. My wife grew up in the Baptist church. And wives get everything they want. So we got married in the Baptist church.

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