If cocaine were helium, the NBA would float away.

The team is the star, never an individual player.

I either run or try to play basketball every day.

And I continued to grow until I was 25 years old.

Talent sets the floor, character sets the ceiling

To expect defeat is nine-tenths of defeat itself.

Basketball doesn't build character it reveals it.

I'd run over my own mother to win the Super Bowl.

Jimmer Fredette is the best scorer in the world!!

If you're not talking, you're not playing defense

I want to be one of the best players in the game.

Mental toughness is to physical as four is to one.

To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail.

I don't care what people think. people are stupid.

Be strong in body, clean in mind, lofty in ideals.

Know what you want to emphasize, then do it daily.

Teamwork is not a preference, it is a requirement.

I'll just have to get it against my favorite team.

I am not a strategic coach; I am a practice coach.

The business always gets in the way of basketball.

If i'm not trying my best, I might as well retire.

When it gets down to it, basketball is basketball.

I've always led by example and I'm not that vocal.

There's only one direction you can coast-downhill.

You can't be a good leader without good character.

Michael Jordan was a tremendous basketball player.

Everybody has talent, but ability takes hard work.

I just said to myself, 'Damn, I'm a great player.'

Basketball is such an escape from a lot of things.

I just like watching good basketball being played.

To win, you've got to put the ball in the macramé.

When you watch the game, be a student of the game.

False Hustle = cheap fouls, lunging, reaching, etc.

Great effort springs naturally from great attitude.

If you're a basketball player, you've got to shoot.

I'm ready to accept the challenge. I'm coming home.

I sign so many autographs, my hand hurts every day.

It's not up to anyone else to make me give my best.

To those who much has been given, much is expected.

It's easier for me to let the game just come to me.

I will thank God for the day and the moment I have.

Scout yourself. Have a buddy who coaches scout you.

As long as I play ball, I can get any woman I want.

It's hard to play well, but it's easy to work hard.

I hope to be involved in a successful movie script.

The key statistic is still to get to the foul line.

If they think we've got an edge, we've got an edge.

Teamwork doesn't come naturally. It must be taught.

If we win, I'm happy. The rest of it is just stuff.

We lost, and that's the main thing that went wrong.

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