Make friendship a fine art.

I'm a mama's boy above all.

I'm not going to disappear.

A good leader must be fair.

No team works out teamwork.

Play the game with a smile.

One man cannot make a team.

Because there are no fours.

I play a lot of basketball.

I love the Miami atmosphere.

Bad shooters are always open

Don't get angry; get better.

I have never been a shooter.

I draw from the crowd a lot.

This has been a dream for me.

Put the Team Before Yourself.

Hearing improves with PRAISE!

Champions have no off-season.

It matters in a fatherly way.

I'm a very quotatious person.

Every day you teach attitude.

Drink deeply from good books.

I... am... the son of Jor-El!

If you're keeping score, win!

Have character, don't be one.

My first love was basketball.

Leadership starts at the top.

French was my first language.

It's almost like we have ESPN.

I May Be Wrong but I Doubt It.

Winning is the best deodorant.

Get the winners into the game.

I'll hit them when it matters.

Basketballs dont hold grudges!

You know, I'm very photogenic.

Chance favors those in motion.

I'm playing like Eric Dampier.

I want to go down as a winner.

First master the fundamentals.

I've never been afraid to fail.

Name 12 players better than me.

Work harder than your opponent.

Discipline is not a nasty word.

You can't win without the ball.

Let your life be your argument.

Basketball is a pure invention.

Basketball's a game of mistakes.

A lion never roars after a kill.

Pluto is not a planet, but I am.

You better have great practices.

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