Work begets work.

Energy begets energy.

Change begets change.

Health begets Spirit.

Remorse begets reform.

Content begets content.

Liberty begets license.

Reading begets reading.

Solitude begets whimsies.

I think work begets work.

... only love begets love.

Enthusiasm begets enthusiasm.

In life, success begets success.

Success begets more in television.

Kindness begets kindness evermore.

Strange thoughts beget strange deeds.

Literature usually begets literature.

Love begets love. This torment is my joy.

Leadership grit begets grit. Lead by example.

Violence should not always beget more violence.

Prayer begets Revival, which begets more prayer.

Bloodshed begets bloodshed. Hatred begits hatred.

Change begets change. Nothing propagates so fast.

For the beautiful word begets the beautiful deed.

I am a big believer that orderliness begets wealth.

It kills me to be time's eunuch and never to beget.

When it comes to improv, Specifics beget specifics.

Dancing begets warmth, which is the parent of wantonness.

Love begets love, love knows no rules, this is same for all.

Worth begets in base minds, envy; in great souls, emulation.

Trust begets trust and untrust begets untrust. It's natural.

Union of religious sentiments begets a surprising confidence.

Momentum begets momentum, and the best way to start is to start.

Change begets change as much as repetition reinforces repetition.

Like begets like; honesty begets honesty; trust, trust; and so on.

For the impious act begets more after it, like to the parent stock.

Here's a very good rule of thumb in politics: losing begets losing.

Arguments, like children, should be like the subject that begets them.

Acting is doing. The more you do, the more you learn. Work begets work.

Not being busy is something I worry about, but I think work begets work.

When it comes to literal nourishment, the food we eat, life begets life.

Death may beget life, but oppression can beget nothing other than itself.

It is only the hope of what is claimed that begets and nurishes the wish.

Perfectionism rarely begets perfection, or satisfaction - only disappointment.

Insult is powerful. Insult begets both rage and humor and often at the same time.

Anger begets more anger, and forgiveness and love lead to more forgiveness and love.

There is nothing to be gained by being unnecessarily nasty. Violence begets violence.

I just want to say, 'Go work! It doesn't matter what it is. Work begets work. Just go!'

I think loathing begets fanaticism, and in the end, loathing begets hatred and violence.

Yes, violence begets more violence, but historically this has been the way of the world.

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