It's simple ... go the extra mile and you will stand out from the ...

It's simple ... go the extra mile and you will stand out from the crowd

I like being different.

I enjoy being different.

Being different is critical.

We boil at different degrees.

I like being different people.

Being different is good; embrace it.

Being different makes you beautiful.

The tax on being different is massive.

Being different gives the world color.

I take every season as it being different.

I always prided myself in being different.

Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist.

I've always liked the idea of being different.

Diversity is a great force towards creativity.

People would rather be wrong than be different.

I realized that my strength was being different.

You can only make a difference by being different.

Change yourself and your work will seem different.

Different is better. I get more jobs being different.

I'm tired of ignoring that I march to a different beat.

Originality is being different from oneself, not others.

The relentless pursuit of being different is very French.

So much time is wasted on trying to be better than others.

Do not choose to be wrong for the sake of being different.

We are all born originals - why is it so many of us die copies?

I felt ashamed of being different and ashamed of feeling that way.

Be different so that people can see you clearly amongst the crowds.

We must never be afraid to be a sign of contradiction for the world.

I was different, I was always different. Why didn't anybody notice me?

I want to show people they don't have to be scared of being different.

People like me are aware of their so-called genius at ten, eight, nine.

Every individual in an organization is motivated by something different.

I like having my cellphone. I like the Internet. I like being different.

It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious.

It really takes growing up to treasure the specialness of being different.

For being different, it’s easy. But to be unique, it’s a complicated thing.

What's the use in being different when it's being different that's the same.

We are half ruined by conformity, but we should be wholly ruined without it.

I want to be important. By being different. And these girls are all the same.

I think that the shame of being different is very painful for a lot of people.

Different is good, and being different is what makes us stand out in the world.

Forgiveness is giving up the hope of what happened to you from being different.

A man must consider what a rich realm he abdicates when he becomes a conformist.

I wanted to pull away from the things that marked my parents as being different.

You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same.

The one who walks alone, is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been.

I do see the world as being different for girls - especially now, having daughters.

People have a problem with me being different, but that propels me forward in life.

I would prove to you that being different isn't a death sentence but a call to arms.

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