Everybody can be smart.

Be smart, be thoughtful, be generous.

If you can't be smart or funny, be brief.

Being smart spoils a lot of things, doesn't it?

It's always better to be wise than to be smart.

If I was a billionaire, I'd be smart with my money.

You know what lasts longer than beauty? Being smart.

Let's just be smart this time. I'm looking for smart.

Half of being smart is knowing what you are dumb about.

You don't have to be smart or anything. The fire warms you.

I always know how to play this game. It's about being smart.

I don't want to be smart, because being smart makes you depressed.

I was ridiculed in public school for being smart. A teacher's pet.

I don't think I ever got proper credit about being smart about the game.

Being smarter than you look is better than looking smarter than you are.

If being smart is what you say it is, I will remain a fool my entire life.

For women, style codes are not merely about being smart or presentable, they are a platform for judgment.

Now I have normal-person fears - fears of failure, of not being smart enough or strong enough or kind enough.

Give your kid some credit for being smart - just because they read about something doesn't mean they will do it.

I was very invested in being smart and thought to be smart was more important than accomplishing anything in life.

Girls have an unfair advantage over men: if they can't get what they want by being smart, they can get it by being dumb.

In grade school I was smart, but I didn't have any friends. In high school, I quit being smart and started having friends.

Teachers started recognizing me and praising me for being smart in science and that made me want to be even smarter in science!

Being a Southern person and a blonde, it's not a good combination. Immediately, when people meet you, they think of you as not being smart.

I never cut class. I loved getting A's, I liked being smart. I liked being on time. I thought being smart is cooler than anything in the world.

There is a danger of building an identity around the idea of being smart because it is very easy to become off-putting, to become exclusionary.

I want girls to feel the confidence you get from being smart. They get so many messages that tell them the most important thing is to be beautiful.

A degree is an asset, but it doesn't mean anything by itself. It's just another asset. So is being persuasive, having good personality, being smart.

I know it sounds weird, but my definition of 'sexy' has changed as I've gotten older. And being smart and informed makes me feel sexier than any outfit.

There are many harsh lessons to be learned from the gambling experience, but the harshest one of all is the difference between having Fun and being Smart.

Very smart people are often tricked by hackers, by phishing. I don't exclude myself from that. It's about being smarter than a hacker. Not about being smart.

To me, it's about being smart, knowing when to go down and if you're on the sidelines knowing when to go out of bounds, and I think I do a pretty good job of doing that.

Part of having a social media strategy is being smart about whom you follow. Ask yourself who is important to your company or brand. Figure out who needs to know you exist.

Pretty isn't the only thing that matters - being smart and kind matters more, of course - but all daughters should hear from their moms that they look pretty once in a while.

I don't need someone with a hot body. He can be fat or overweight and have a belly. It's very much about style and substance and humor, interest, curiosity and really being smart.

You can hate me for being a woman, you can hate me for being smart, you can hate me for being funny, but you hate me because I am doing something you could never do. End of story.

You still should enjoy the beach and going outside. Having a good time at the beach can still include being smart about protecting your skin because getting burned is no fun at all.

I was determined to make a movie - about families and a love story - that black women would be proud to see and which would depict them as being smart, loving, sensitive, sexy, and funny.

More humility, in terms of recognizing our luck, and more realism, in understanding at a deep level that being smart doesn't make you good, doesn't make you valuable, doesn't make you wise.

I think it's difficult for young people to acknowledge being smart, to knowledge being a reader. I see kids who are embarrassed to read books. They're embarrassed to have people see them doing it.

I actually feel more of a woman because I feel like I'm being smart about my choices, and I'm putting my family first, and I'm in charge of my life and my health. I think that's what makes a woman complete.

My message is: You don't have to give up being popular, fun, or fashionable in order to be smart; they can go hand and hand. Doing math is a great way to exercise your brain; being smart is going to make you more powerful in life.

Yeah, it's tough being smart and sexy, too. I have to say, I'm really not that attractive. Until I met my husband, I could not get a date. I promise you it's true. My husband Jeff Richmond saw a diamond in the rough and took me in.

I was always the youngest person in class, skinny, scrawny, no good at sports. I asserted myself by being smart. But then I got to college and started to get C's and D's. That was fantastic. I no longer had to be the smartest person in the room.

By the way, intelligence to me isn't just being book-smart or having a college degree; it's trusting your gut instincts, being intuitive, thinking outside the box, and sometimes just realizing that things need to change and being smart enough to change it.

Common sense would suggest that having ability, like being smart, inspires confidence. It does, but only while the going is easy. The deciding factor in life is how you handle setbacks and challenges. People with a growth mindset welcome setbacks with open arms.

It really depends upon how much money you have in your account. Having a monthly paycheck come in for the rest of your life is extremely important. So it would probably be smart to put some of your money into an annuity, which is a way of buying a monthly pension check.

It's basketball, man. It's being smart, using your size as an advantage. I can get into people. I can get into your stomach, so you can't back me down. I can stay in front of you, I can move my feet, I can be aggressive. People don't understand that it can be a disadvantage being tall, too.

People say sometimes that I'm distracted. I'm not distracted. I'm being smart. I'm capitalizing while the iron is hot. That's why I'm trying to do movies. I do the podcast. I do a radio show. I work on FOX. I have a gym; I have a lot of things going on. That's because when I'm done, I want to be set up.

We should all feel confident in our intelligence. By the way, intelligence to me isn't just being book-smart or having a college degree; it's trusting your gut instincts, being intuitive, thinking outside the box, and sometimes just realizing that things need to change and being smart enough to change it.

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