I believe eating is a form of medicine, a reasoned way of giving your body and mind what it needs.

I certainly believe that being in contact with one's spirit and nurturing one's spirit is as important as nurturing one's body and mind.

I think an individual's mind is a marvellous thing. I truly believe that if your mind is strong, your body tries hard to keep pace with it.

I've always been a firm believer in mind over matter. If you don't believe you can achieve, your body will start to believe this and you'll be stuck.

Wellness is the compete integration of body, mind, and spirit - the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being.

I certainly believe that being in contact with one's spirit and nurturing one's spirit is as important as nurturing one's body and mind. We are three dimensional beings: body, mind, spirit.

I really, truly believe that writing comes out of the body; of course, the mind is working as well, but it's a double thing and that doubleness is united. I mean, you can't separate persona from psyche; you just can't do it.

I'm more about mind over muscle. My mindset needs to be the fittest, because it drags my body through whatever needs to be done. A lot of people neglect training their mind and their self-belief, but I believe that's crucial.

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