I believe in smart people.

I believe in the greatness of our people.

I believe people can move things with their minds.

I believe that a politician needs to be with people.

I believe in the liberation of the Palestinian people.

Tamilians, I believe, are the most intelligent people.

I believe you learn social skills by mixing with people.

I believe that people should be able to question things.

I believe we should appeal to people at the higher levels.

I believe celebrity spoils people - some worse than others.

I believe you can frighten people without showing their heads caved-in.

I believe in working with the hearts of people, and not locking them up.

I believe that the way people live can be directed a little by architecture.

I believe that government is the servant of the people and not their master.

I believe people are afraid to be still because we're used to being stimulated.

I believe both parties are sending the wrong kind of people to Washington, D.C.

I believe in human-centered AI to benefit people in positive and benevolent ways.

I believe that theater has to be utterly life-changing for the people watching it.

I don't believe that there are aliens. I believe there are really different people.

I believe in communication; books communicate ideas and make bridges between people.

I believe people are in our lives for a reason. We're here to learn from each other.

I believe, as do most people, that we have an obligation to assist the truly destitute.

I believe that the truest parts of people can be buried, and for many different reasons.

I believe that we can, in a deliberate way, articulate the kind of people we want to become.

I believe if we could enable people to live forever, we should do that. I think this is absolute.

What we need more than anything else is an informed populace. I believe people want to be informed.

I believe it's easier to be an actor. Somehow, interviewing seems to be intrusive on people's lives.

Fiscally, I'm very conservative. I don't believe in welfare states. I believe in giving people jobs.

I believe that you should put the right people around you, people that will not let anything go wrong.

I don't know how much I believe in redemptive stories, even though people want them and strive for them.

And I believe we need heroes, I believe we need certain people who we can measure our own shortcomings by.

I believe that even the worst people on the planet believe that they are somehow justified in their neurosis.

I believe in compulsory cannibalism. If people were forced to eat what they killed, there would be no more wars.

I believe that when it comes to major foreign policy issues, many prefer to have black people seen and not heard.

Do I believe in plastic surgery? Yes, if something is wrong and you can modify it. For certain people, it's right.

I don't believe very much in corporate offices. I believe in leaders who are with their customers and their people.

I believe that all people that are successful should pay back their cities, their states, their towns, our country.

I believe that we shouldn't be supporting any form of aid towards countries that are killing people that are innocent.

I believe that people should take pride in what they do, even if it is scorned or misunderstood by the public at large.

I'm not sure I believe in the whole 'ghost-afterlife' thing, but I think places are marked by people who have been there.

Segregation was wrong when it was forced by white people, and I believe it is still wrong when it is requested by black people.

Dance is for everybody. I believe that the dance came from the people and that it should always be delivered back to the people.

Because I believe that humans are computers, I conjectured that computers, like people, can have left- and right-handed versions.

I believe the Islamic ideology is a retarded, dangerous one, but I make a distinction. I don't hate people. I don't hate Muslims.

I believe people want a President for all Americans. And so I'm out there talking about what we can do for every single American.

I really do believe in clearing samples, and I believe that people should be compensated for them, but the laws are just so stupid.

I tell people, 'You can do this.' And they write back and say, 'You were right. I can do this. And now I believe I can do anything.'

I believe that everyone who is human is androgynous, but I don't think there are a lot of people that are presented as truly androgynous.

I believe in any country, matters that relate to its territory would, of course, provoke strong sentiments amongst the people of that country.

I believe in Britain and regardless of whether people voted to Leave or Remain, millions of people voting in record numbers showed they do too.

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