I'm not a big believer in second-guessing decisions.

I am a big believer in Gandhi-ji. I really like him.

I am a great believer in naps, whatever age you are.

I'm a firm believer in people who love what they do.

I'm a firm believer in not leaving people out to dry.

Was I believer in Enron Corporation? Yes, sir, I was.

I'm a firm believer that autonomous driving is coming.

I'm a firm believer and I think my religion is inside.

I'm a firm believer that you get back what you put in.

I am actually not a big believer in buying properties.

I am a religious person, although I am not a believer.

I'm a strong believer in the things that I want to do.

I'm not a big believer in vitamins and all that stuff.

I'm a big believer in debate and difference of opinion.

I was a very early believer in the idea of convergence.

Getting offended is the bait of Satan for the believer.

I'm a believer that things happen. Fate is what happens.

I'm a firm believer in teaching children to manage risk.

Life is only worth-while through the eyes of a believer.

I am a believer in the journey and enjoying the journey.

Birds sing on a bare bough; O, believer, canst not thou?

I'm a firm believer that people find their own passions.

I'm a true believer in prayer, a big believer in prayer.

I'm a true believer that if someone bothers you, you care.

I'm a strong believer that coaches coach and players play.

More than an actor, I am a performer. I'm a great believer

Religious persecutors are not believers, they are rascals.

I'm a big believer in being the same person on and off TV.

I'm a big believer that we get the politicians we deserve.

It is comfort to the believer that all things are possible.

I'm a great believer in the experiential theory of writing.

I am a huge believer in organized labor. Period. Full stop.

Better a superstitious believer than a rational unbeliever.

I'm a tremendous believer and supporter in hip-hop and rap.

I became as much of a believer as I was capable of becoming.

I'm a big believer in acts of kindness, no matter how small.

I am a great believer that a captain is as good as his team.

Everything happens for a reason; I'm a big believer in that.

Strong blasphemers thrive only when strong believers thrive.

Death is robbed of much of its terror for the true believer.

You can understand why I'm a believer. I have seen miracles.

I'm a great believer in people and their untapped potential.

You can understand why I'm a believer. I have seen miracles.

I am a believer in punctuality though it makes me very lonely

I'm one of those firm believers that good music will prevail.

I'm a believer in The Word, which says "God moves mountains."

I'm a big believer in fate, and it's working out well so far.

I'm a big believer that accessories can make or break a look.

I never was a big believer that you can teach writing per se.

I am a believer in the fundamental doctrines of Christianity.

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