Food is a big part of my life.

Self-love is a big part of golf.

Canada is a big part of my life.

Australia's a big part of my life.

Music is such a big part of my life.

Social media is a big part of our job.

Foster care was a big part of my life.

It's a big part of my game, attacking.

Isolation is a big part of songwriting.

Pretend was a big part of my childhood.

The kids are a big part of my schedule.

Boxing is a big part of American cinema.

Photography was a big part of our family.

Music and opera are a big part of my life.

Music's always been a big part of my life.

A big part of football is the team aspect.

My family played a big part of my success.

I started a big part of my career in Vegas.

Movies are a big part of our Indian culture.

Foreign students... big part of our economy.

Childhood bullying was a big part of my life.

Wrestling has been a very big part of my life.

Bluegrass is really a big part of my background.

The dance world was a big part of my growing up.

I always felt defense was a big part of my game.

I love folk; that's a big part of my background.

Keeping well groomed is a big part of my routine.

Obviously, 'Fast' has been a big part of my life.

Spirituality - prayer - is a big part of my life.

Ray Charles has always been a big part of my life.

Getting to the halfbacks is a big part of any game.

It means a lot to know I play a big part in boxing.

Entertainment is a big part of MMA and it is unique.

A big part of life is realizing what you're good at.

Time management is a big part of the director's job.

Theater was a big part of my life from the beginning.

Communicating and being loud is a big part of my game.

My personal life is a big part of who my character is.

Animals play a big part in my life, on tour or at home.

Music is a very big part of my preparation as an actor.

I care about reading, a lot. It's a big part of my life.

The Montreal Canadiens have been a big part of my family.

Worry is a big part of my life. I definitely worry a lot.

Range control is a big part of Floyd Mayweather's arsenal.

A big part of green tech will be organisms that eat waste.

Nutrition is a big part of my life and it always has been.

Georgia Southern was such a big part of me getting my start.

I think lingerie plays a big part in how you carry yourself.

I have three kids, and that's a big part of staying focused.

A big part of fixing AOL is getting AOL to believe in itself.

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