All Philosophy is Biography

I'm an avid biography reader.

I had lost faith in biography.

The man who walks with Henslow.

Our theology must become biography.

Biography is the only true history.

Your biography becomes your biology.

I wish I had my beta-blockers handy.

Biography is the best form of history.

Memoirs are the backstairs of history.

Geniuses have the shortest biographies.

A photograph is a biography of a moment.

Why should I be limited by my own biography?

Biography is one of the new terrors of death.

Great geniuses have the shortest biographies.

Biography should be written by an acute enemy.

Discretion is not the better part of biography.

[Flürscheim] was good at unanswerable arguments.

One good anecdote is worth a volume of biography.

May God blast anyone who writes a biography of me.

I can find my biography in every fable that I read.

Someone calls biography the home aspect of history.

John Kerry's biography was central to his campaign.

Live your life as if you are writing your Biography.

Biographies of British pop celebrities are terrible.

All of our theology must eventually become biography.

I was captured for life by chemistry and by crystals.

Biography is the mesh through which real life escapes.

unloved women have no biographies-- they have histories

Your biography is not your destiny, your decisions are.

We have escapist fiction, so why not escapist biography?

History - a biography of a few stout and earnest persons

Biography is history seen through the prism of a person.

However you disguise novels, they are always biographies.

The facts of a person's life will, like murder, come out.

What we know is not much. What we do not know is immense.

Serious biographies need to have a historical base in facts.

I read Michael Caine's biography. It was about him growing up

I have a large collection of biographies about jazz musicians.

A life that is worth writing at all is worth writing minutely.

I'm not fond of biographies. I don't like writing about myself.

History is neither more nor less than biography on a large scale.

Davy was the type of all the jumped-up second-raters of all time.

I shall be the first composer in history not to have a biography.

I read a lot of biographies and books with an African background.

The creative person should have no other biography than his works.

There is no psychology; there is only biography and autobiography.

After a certain number of years, our faces become our biographies.

I read every biography [of Jackie Kennedy] I could get my hands on.

Writing Charles Dickens' biography is like writing five biographies.

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