What use is there for a biography of myself? I'm just a movie actor.

John looked ruddy and plump, with a pair of cheeks like a trumpeter.

I used to devour biographies of people like Natalie Wood and Marilyn.

I was a biography in constant motion, memory to the marrow of my bones.

Read no history: nothing but biography, for that is life without theory.

Biography is the most universally pleasant and profitable of all reading.

I am not a historian. I don't see what I do as being a rival to biography.

A painting that is an act is inseparable from the biography of the artist.

On the whole, most biographies about literary women tend to diagnose them.

I see myself as writing biographies, the complete story of someone's life.

The Times is getting more detestable (but that is too weak word) than ever.

I've always enjoyed reading history, particularly presidential biographies.

The last act in the biography of the hero is that of the death or departure.

[W.H.R.] Rivers is the Rider Haggard of anthropology; I shall be the Conrad.

Biography - a system in which the contradictions of a human life are unified.

I read everything: fiction, history, science, mathematics, biography, travel.

I've always had an abundance of material about the subjects of my biographies.

When you read a biography remember that the truth is never fit for publication.

Art cannot be subordinate to its subject, otherwise it is not art but biography.

I think a biography is only as interesting as the lives and times it illuminates.

A great deal of my work is just playing with equations and seeing what they give.

There's no biography so interesting as the one in which the biographer is present.

Women are defined by their biography, and men are sacrosanct from their biography.

I am not aware that I have deserved any notoriey, and I have no taste for its buzz.

I've had three biographies made about my life so people know an awful lot about me.

Some Western biographies are apologist, and do not portray the negative side at all.

I always use primary sources, in addition to reading biographies and other materials.

I possess every good quality, but the one that distinguishes me above all is modesty.

I have very positive memories of reading biographies of unusual Americans as a child.

It can be a long gap between the emergence of fully researched historical biographies.

The immense appetite we have for biography comes from a deep-seated sense of equality.

If you have to read to cheer yourself up, read biographies of writers who went insane.

Six-hundred-page biographies of German theologians aren't known to fly off the shelves.

Somebody approached me about writing a biography on me, I told them they were too late.

biographies are a little like marriages: You only have room in your life for one or two.

You ask whether I am going over to the history of science... no, I am not as old as that.

I think biography can be more personal than fiction, and certainly can be more expressive.

A musician's biography is written wherever he performs; everybody hears what he is playing.

Wherever the poetry of myth is interpreted as biography, history, or science, it is killed.

Every great man nowadays has his disciples, and it is usually Judas who writes the biography.

[On writing biography:] If you wish to see a person you must not start by seeing through him.

The biography of a writer - or even the autobiography - will always have this incompleteness.

Women inspire me... so I enjoy women's stories and biographies. I am interested in all women.

People are interested in people. They buy biographies; they don't buy studies of presidencies.

I am a total sucker for an actor's autobiography/biography. I have probably read most of them.

For me the fascination with biography is the life of the individual in the context of history.

There is no real escape from autobiography into biography. The self has to be faced, or we die.

My reading is always about musical biographies. I have an innate interest and passion for that.

I read a lot of biographies, and so much is just so boring or so, like, 'Why did you say that?'

I mainly read histories and biographies, but I'm also a big fan of Graham Swift and Thomas Hardy.

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