"Southland" was not written for a black woman.

Sooner or later a black car came for everyone.

Speak of the devil, and the devil shall appear.

One must respect black. Nothing prostitutes it.

George W. Bush doesn't care about black people.

Where white is black and black is white, I won.

The black shadow cares for itself, not for you.

Black people don't really see ghosts or aliens.

I'm still trying to do films about black women.

We do as much, we eat as much, we want as much.

Black is a great color!!! it sets off your wig!

A black-sharded lady keeps me in a parrot cage.

All my life I had a rapport with black caddies.

You are — truly your father’s son, Harry. . . .

Don't make a black woman take off her earrings".

Maybe I want a black eye. Did you think of that?

We don't live in a world that's black and white.

I'm black, and black don't crack. It does droop.

What I do isn't black music, it's just my music.

I'm on the very blackest part of the black list.

Black people have been working hard for decades.

I've always known the greatness of black people.

Before me no one would have dared dress in black

My most recent purchase was a black lace corset.

So for Bullitt, I just put my black hat back on.

Like books and black lives, albums still matter.

Mortals. Everything is so black and white to you.

Until things are brighter.. I'm the man in black.

If you don't know what color to take, take black.

I love going shopping. I have a black belt in it.

I am the greatest thing to happen to black music.

Black is not a vice. Nor is segregation a virtue.

I want to commit the murder I was imprisoned for.

Isn't it a little racist to call it Black Friday?

Menacing lines of black tomorrows on the horizon.

Favorite color to paint my nails is black, always.

Black Sabbath invented heavy metal, in my opinion.

Jumps like a black man and grabs coins like a Jew.

Fool! Nothing but black ink runs through my veins!

I'm light-skinned. I'm mixed with black and white.

A lot of people don't know that my father is black

Barack Obama makes me feel good to be a black man.

I’d noticed that his eyes were black – coal black.

The cruel of heart have their own black happiness.

Stain my eyes as I may, on all sides all is black.

anymore time in that black hole and ill go insane.

What age is a black boy when he learns he's scary?

I feel as proud to be Jewish as I feel to be black

I didn't form a group to perform Cilla Black songs.

Black culture has been a huge influence in my life.

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