Arizona has always been anti-black.

Remember that you are a Black Swan.

Life is the flash in black heavens.

Where does a black soul go to rest?

But nothing is all black in nature.

I've never bothered about my color.

I'm not a predictable black liberal.

White lies are ushers to black ones.

The art of publicity is a black art.

I'm racist against non-black people.

Black history won't stop no bullets.

When I was young, I loved black men.

Some stories aren't black and white.

What if I were Romeo in black jeans?

My wife has dated broke black dudes.

Who can be born black and not exult!

Black is not sad... Black is poetic.

To shipbrokers, coal was black gold.

Microsoft is still not a black belt.

Black, like white, is the best color!

I wear a lot of black. Like my heart.

Don't mess with me! I'm a black-belt!

The black church will accept anybody.

I wear black while suckers wear pink.

I will be the first black James Bond.

Terrorism is not new to black people.

I like doing business in a black city.

To rally every black sheep is my goal.

Night's black Mantle covers all alike.

Black implies white self implies other

Dating black women will ruin your life

The night is black, as black as night.

A life is black, whiten it as you will.

Let the black flower blossom as it may!

Reckless capitalism kills black people.

There ain't nothin' like a Black woman.

Black tenants smell and attract vermin.

We're all black when the lights go out.

The smith and his penny both are black.

Healing begins where the wound was made.

Obviously black matches with everything.

I'm like Johnny Cash. I only wear black.

American music culture is black culture.

Black is a colour of power and strength.

I love black people, but I hate niggers.

I carry one black mascara and one brown.

I was born gay just as I was born black.

I am not a black artist, I am an artist.

Black hair, angelic face, and devil eyes.

O wretched state! o bosom black as death!

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