We've all got a black book of missed opportunities.

You just have to be strong if you're a black woman.

When I was a kid, I was following black soul music.

Being a blues singer is like being black two times.

I am black or white, I'll never be grey in my life.

I don't have an objective overview of Black Sunday.

You can get it in any color, as long as it is black

I'm black because that's the way the world sees me.

Faith is the black person's federal reserve system.

When Black Lives Matter started, it was polarizing.

I feel like there should be more black head coaches.

My deeply secret favorite movie is 'Meet Joe Black.'

You are a black goddess when you come out the salon.

There are wrongs which even the grave does not bury.

I'm the ghetto Martha Stewart, the black Rachel Ray.

Lawyers and painters can soon change white to black.

When I black out, it's the happiest time of my life.

Miracles happen all the time. We're here, aren't we?

I was born in Detroit, in an all black neighborhood.

Black men loving black men is THE revolutionary act.

Just call me black, if you want to call me anything.

We're all Africans, everyone - black, white, yellow.

You would never expect a black woman to be the hero.

Black detraction will find faults where they are not.

We wanted black power to be all things to all people.

Progressive policies are harming the Black community.

There's not too many rich black people in this world.

I do have a favorite Zeppelin song, Larry, Black Dog.

Black Lives Matter is the ultimate divisive movement.

There will never be a chanel collection without black

Jealousy can open the blood, it can make black roses.

Rap actually comes out of punk rock, not black music.

Brown people wouldn't speak to someone who was black.

Being a black sheep is a way I would describe myself.

The motorcycle black madonna Two wheeled gypsy queen.

After all, the wool of a black sheep is just as warm.

Stop being so… optimistic. It’s getting on my nerves.

As a young, Black man, I absolutely feel responsible.

The Black Panther Party were not revenge nationalists.

In America one drop of black ancestry makes you black.

In the deep night of metaphysics, all cats look black.

I'm a traditionalist, so for me, black coffee is cool.

That Loor's a handful, she is." - Spader (Black Water)

What do you want?" "Just coffee. Black - like my soul.

I like black, because for me it is a very happy color.

Black women have been cultured to compare not connect.

I've never been beaten up! I'm a black belt in Run-Fu.

I want to see as many black professionals as possible.

It takes ground activity to stimulate that Black vote.

It could have been worse. I could have been born black.

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