If you destroy a free market you create a black market.

Cause everbody care. Black, white, deep down we all do.

Now are the woods all black, But still the sky is blue.

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?" Jacob Black New Moon

Clearly a black man's life is not worth a ham sandwich.

Human nature is not black and white but black and grey.

The Black writer explains pain to those who inflict it.

The Black Tower stands with the Lion of Andor." -Logain

Racing does to white guys what movies do to black guys.

Black people are the most talented people in the world.

Wear it Like a banner For the proud? Not like a shroud.

The new Black doesn't blame other races for our issues.

I don't like toast... the black stuff gets in my teeth.

If I could find anything blacker than black, I'd use it.

A black Christian is like a black person with no memory.

Black reporters are as capable of racism as anyone else.

You don’t understand — there are things worth dying for!

Think black love, think universal love. Just think love.

A bear! A bear! All black and brown and covered in hair!

God created black people and black people created style.

Scheherezade is easy; a little black dress is difficult.

The God's tropical...ladies call me 'Black Fruit Punch.'

My identity is very clear to me now, I am a black woman.

No black or white America-just United States of America.

I guess I rooted for the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

A bright eye indicates curiosity; a black eye, too much.

The blues - there's no black and white - it's the truth.

This ring belongs to the black hand. He killed your dad.

Black Flag was formed in 1977. We first recorded in 1978.

Love. The black hook. The spear singing through the mind.

Black Lightning, Jefferson Pierce, is the American dream.

Americans aren't accepting of black humor, it's terrible.

I am angry about the world's conditions for black people.

Little black horse. Where are you taking your dead rider?

I'm comfortable being old... being black... being Jewish.

There is not enough faith in black music at a high level.

I forgot he [Barack Obama] was black tonight for an hour.

Things are not quite so simple always as black and white.

We weren't pushing Black is beautiful. We just showed it.

Death is a black camel, which kneels at the gates of all.

From 1968 on, I was pretty much the black, gay SF writer.

I like my coffee like I like my women - Black and Strong.

Black culture is something I don't relate to much at all.

All my friends are dying. That's why I always wear black.

I really can't break away from wearing black and leather!

I am carried in my shadow like a violin in its black case

Sure to prove indispensable for the study of Black Power.

I would have painted the White House black. I would have!

I don't like black. You wear black when you're miserable.

After the accident Black Sheep was pretty much at an end.

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