Boarding school is a wicked thing.

I think boarding school does give you an independence.

I went to boarding school at seven and cried and cried.

I was twelve when I went to boarding school in Edinburgh.

My father went to boarding school in Sydney when he was 14.

I went to an all-girls boarding school for most of my youth.

It was tough going to boarding school. It was very hard work.

Having your adolescence at an all-male boarding school is just crap.

At boarding school there wasn't much time for much of anything except education.

Actually, the British boarding school experience turns out to be not that exotic.

I loved my boarding school, but I didn't know what I wanted to do. I didn't have a career.

Our house was like a girls' boarding school. We were always fighting for each other's clothes.

The only place I considered home was the boarding school, in Yorkshire, my parents sent me to.

Boarding school didn't feel like my world, I felt like an alien; people there had a lot of money.

I went to a boarding school with a strong Maori tradition, where we were taught all about the haka.

Boarding school in Tring was a bit of a bubble that burst when I went to Hackney to go to drama school.

If my dad was alive, I wouldn't have gone to boarding school, and I wouldn't have had the success I've had.

I grew up in Kentucky, and went to boarding school outside Boston at Phillips Academy Andover for two years.

I probably deserve a bit of a kicking. And having been to boarding school, I've learnt to enjoy a good beating.

My parents divorced when I was seven. Because divorce is messy, for good or ill, they sent me to boarding school.

I grew up in a very white, privileged, old-fashioned society in South Africa and went to a boarding school run by nuns.

When the Lebanese Civil War started in 1975, I was 15. I was shipped to boarding school in England and, after that, to UCLA.

I have an addictive personality. Boarding school merely sent me more quickly on the downward spiral that dominated my childhood.

You know I went to the Hunt Schools, a boarding school in Princeton, and I've heard so many Rhodes scholars have gone to the Ivys.

High school is very intense for everyone. But at a boarding school, because you're there 24 hours a day, everything gets magnified.

I used to put on sketch shows at boarding school when I was eight. I'm not sure about the material, but it did used to get a laugh.

I went to boarding school Southern, religious, and straight, and I left boarding school not being at all religious and not being straight.

I was raised to please people in authority, and I'd also come from a sheltered boarding school, so I was very naive and young for my years.

I have a theory that if you've got the kind of parents who want to send you to boarding school, you're probably better off at boarding school.

I didn't play a great deal of sport in primary school. It was not until I went away to boarding school in Sussex that I really got into sport.

I wouldn't have liked to have gone to boarding school, but for boys it's different. Boys can thrive at boarding school. I assume they really love it.

When I was seventeen, I left Scotland to go to Kent, a well-to-do boarding school in Connecticut, where there was a contingent of really naughty kids.

Mayo College, where I got my grounding, is a private boarding school. It is a traditional school with brilliant teachers including some from overseas.

At this point I was strongly advised that I was too young socially to go to college so I took a second senior year at Andover, another boarding school.

We lived in Germany; my father was in the Army, and they figured I would have more consistency at boarding school. That kind of gives you a thick skin.

I was not a classic mother. But my kids were never palmed off to boarding school. So, I didn't bake cookies. You can buy cookies, but you can't buy love.

I was born in Dallas; then I moved to Allen, Texas. But then I got sent to boarding school, where I started to get fascinated with actors like Al Pacino.

People say how come I'm from Scotland yet I sound like the Queen?! I went to boarding school in Somerset, which has probably got something to do with it.

At boarding school you had to wear your name across your chest and your back, and obviously I had a pretty funny name. It wasn't Brown or Smith or Hughes.

At age 10 or 12 he's going to boarding school in the Isle of Wight. The Isle of Wight is, of course, down at the bottom of England just off South Hampton.

I went to boarding school, and then I went to Oxford, and I know how easy it is for certain groups of people to become wholly insulated from ordinary life.

Princeton was really hard. I had learned how to write well at boarding school, and I knew if I majored in English and I just did the work, I could get B's.

I went to boarding school, and what that teaches you is to cope emotionally at a young age and to suppress a lot of emotion. Being in the army is, in a way, similar.

I went to an all-girls boarding school in Maryland. I used to laugh at the girls in the theater program - I was pre-med, National Honors Society; I was on that track.

I was spending most of my summers in Greece when I was a little girl, and at boarding school my first room-mate was Greek, so I guess I kind of had that Greek destiny.

My musical influences growing up were limited to Korean folk songs and hymns as I went to a Christian boarding school where I was not allowed to listen to secular music.

I'm from the Detroit area, just north of Detroit. But then I went to boarding school in northern Michigan, so a little bit colder up there. But beautiful, very beautiful.

I had been kind of quite porky and happy at boarding school and not self-conscious at all; then, suddenly, I found myself in auditions being examined, and it made me angry.

Probably spending 12 years at boarding school - comedy became a survival gene. But I think some people are funny right off the bat, as soon as they can speak or be naughty.

My dream, I remember, when I went to boarding school, was to have a study all my own, a little nook someplace where nobody could get at me - nobody, like the football coach.

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