Boundary setting is really a huge part of time management.

The boundary between real life and acting is hard to find.

Science is a differential equation. Religion is a boundary condition.

I never had a boundary as an actor and I am open to interesting scripts.

No man shall have the right to fix the boundary to the march of a Nation.

The ancient boundary of Italy on the north was not the Alps but the Apennines.

We founded thatgamecompany to push the boundary of video games as an interactive medium.

A boundary is really something artificial we made up. The ecosystem and landscape continue.

They teach you there's a boundary line to music. But, man, there's no boundary line to art.

It was important for me to remind people that there's no formula... there's no boundary to R&B music.

Home is the dearest spot on earth, and it should be the centre, but not the boundary, of the affections.

My work explores the frontier between rationalism and superstition and the wavering boundary between the two.

I know no national boundary where the Negro is concerned. The whole world is my province until Africa is free.

If someone offers a film, I'm willing to do it if it's something I have not done before or pushes my boundary.

I think that every time a country artist steps outside of the country boundary, it just brings more ears to us.

To an intellectual who is adrift in politics, a theory is an aim; to a true politician his theory is a boundary.

If I'm only going to play one more match, I want to take a wicket with every ball, not try and defend a boundary.

I have a theory of living on the boundary: on the boundary of patriarchy and the boundary of different dimensions.

You have to push the boundary, do something that people haven't seen before, because then it is exciting for them.

I don't think there's a... boundary between digital media and print media. Every magazine is doing an online version.

I'm really about body positivity and self-love, and I will definitely push the boundary with a pink midriff-baring top.

What the hell is pilot season? It's an artificial boundary that makes no sense, and it makes you do things under duress.

Superstition? Who can define the boundary line between the superstition of yesterday and the scientific fact of tomorrow?

My favorite models are always going to be the people who are pushing the boundary and challenging what it is to be a model.

I like to take wickets and see wickets and chances and I think in T20 cricket you have to risk a boundary to take a wicket.

Comedy is funny when it comes from truth, and that's always the rule of them. It's about how far you can push that boundary.

There is a boundary to men's passions when they act from feelings; but none when they are under the influence of imagination.

The boundary between space and the earth is purely arbitrary. And I'll probably always be interested in this planet - it's my favorite.

When 'Dum Maro Dum' came my way, I took it up without thinking that I was crossing any boundary. It was a good film, and I wanted to do it.

The golden thread of reason that used to be stretched taut to mark the boundary between the known and the unknown is now routinely disrespected.

When trying to teach someone a boundary, they learn less from the enforcement of the boundary and more from the way the boundary was established.

An IPL match may be decided when the ball passes inches beyond the grasp of a fielder on the boundary or when a direct hit catches a batsman inches short of the crease.

There are reasons people seek escape in books, and one of those reasons is that the boundary of what can happen is beyond what we do - or would want to see in real life.

Square cuts which ordinarily would have flashed to the boundary earned only two, and I believe that those two innings would have been worth 150 apiece in a county match.

The boundary between neurology and psychiatry is becoming increasingly blurred, and it's only a matter of time before psychiatry becomes just another branch of neurology.

As soon as you say that there is a community called, let's say, black Americans, you've immediately created a boundary line - who's in that group, who's outside that group.

I think you always have to find where the boundary is in relation to the context in order to be able to kind of articulate how you want the space to interact with the viewer.

The Internet, Facebook, synagogue pamphlets, and the plethora of TV channels and cellular networks in our lives increasingly blur the boundary between the public and private sphere.

India and China have not shied away from addressing boundary questions, have wisdom to find a fair and mutually acceptable solution... We have been able to put all issues on the table.

Seriously, I don't find not being able to hear an obstacle or a boundary. For me, and for many of us, it is an advantage, and it's a part of my identity, in fact. It's a huge part of who I am.

The edge of a black hole, the event horizon, is a boundary that marks the point of no return. Once an object crosses the event horizon, it cannot escape and will be ripped to pieces, atom by atom.

You see, it's actually very good that a human activity is performed very close to death, because that's where life is. Life is, at its most valuable and most full, very close to the boundary of life.

There are no clear boundary lines between what is physiological, what is psychological, and what is spiritual. Those are language domains that make sense and have integrity but overlap significantly.

If you give Chip a boundary, he's going to break that boundary. If you give him a rule, he's not going to follow it. And if you tell him, 'You can't go over this line,' he's going to put his toe over it.

Anyone who goes to space tried to look at his own country first, but soon it appears that there is no boundary between the countries and the entire world is one family where our destinies are integrated.

There have been women who have pioneered and paved the way for me to be able to sit here and to have a platform. And it's my job and my duty to continue to push the boundary for equality on all spectrums.

I work on the boundary between economics and statistics in this field called econometrics. Part of my interest is understanding how you use statistics in productive ways to analyze dynamic economic models.

I don't think there's an interesting boundary between philosophy and science. Science is totally beholden to philosophy. There are philosophical assumptions in science and there's no way to get around that.

At the end of 'Afterlife' - hmm, how do I do this without spoilers - Skye took a very strange journey that crossed the boundary between life and death. And now, for her, that boundary is permanently blurred.

The make-up and the costumes were me being scared. I needed to create a boundary between me and the audience. To project this bigger version of myself. Outwardly, it looked good, but inwardly, I began to feel horrible.

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