How blessings brighten as they take their flight.

All I've ever wanted to do is darken the day and brighten the night.

Man, it feels great to do anything that might brighten someone else's day.

I love to glow, and it's important for me to have a good highlighter to brighten up.

There is a single light of science, and to brighten it anywhere is to brighten it everywhere.

There are moments of life that we never forget, which brighten and brighten as time steals away.

Having a good brow can totally brighten your face and give you more of an expressive, youthful look!

Due to my hectic work schedule, I hardly have enough sleep, and my skin tends to look dull. Facial masks are my savior, as it helps to brighten and hydrate my skin.

I love sheet masks. I try to put them on whenever I feel my skin is dry and exposed too much to the sun. They help me make up for lost moisture and brighten my skin.

I'm not such a huge hater of anti-aging things because when I put makeup on, I look younger. You can brighten up your eyes and look more glamorous and more confident.

Eyeliner changes everything! I also think a little lip-gloss or lipstick can brighten up your whole look, even after a practice when your hair is still a little bit wet!

I usually wear only a bit of pink lippy, but for TV, they add a few extra lashes to brighten my eyes and some colour to my face, as without it, I look pale and uninteresting.

I'm proud to be part of the Dr. Pepper Scholarship Giveaway. It's a great program that gives me the chance to brighten the day for some lucky college students with free tuition.

When a person starts to talk about their dreams, it's as if something bubbles up from within. Their eyes brighten, their face glows, and you can feel the excitement in their words.

I have long argued for the arts to have the recognition and funding they need, not only because they brighten our lives, but also because they make a tangible contribution to our national economy.

November is auspicious in so many parts of the country: the rice harvest is already in, the weather starts to cool, and the festive glow which precedes Christmas has began to brighten the landscape.

I like bold statements. I'm very nearsighted, and I'm terrible at the whole contacts thing. I figured, 'Why not get some glasses that are fun, that contrast with my skin tone and brighten things up.'

I help out at Tall Trees, which my aunt set up on the Central Coast. It's where intellectually impaired young people can paint. Their artwork's sent to hospitals all over Australia to brighten up their rooms.

Of course, it does depend on the people, but sometimes I'm invited places to kind of brighten up a dinner table like a musician who'll play the piano after dinner, and I know you're not really invited for yourself. You're just an ornament.

We have a double agenda of trying to deliver something exciting that people will talk about and will brighten their day and will amaze people and make us proud to have created an object of beauty. And on the other hand being true to the story.

My favorite shampoos and conditioners are from Pantene's Damage Repair line, but I also love the Color Preserve Shine collection. I get highlights here and there to brighten my look, so the Color Preserve shampoo and conditioner is great for protection.

First of all, in the old days, if you wanted to show someone getting shot on film, all you could do was place an effect in the original take. And if you wanted to brighten somebody's face and leave the rest of the room dark, that was a very expensive process.

To you wives who are constantly complaining and see only the dark side of life, and feel that you are unloved and unwanted, look into your own hearts and minds. If there is something wrong, turn about. Put a smile on your faces. Make yourselves more attractive. Brighten your outlook.

I've always been slightly self-conscious as an actor, and I guess that sometimes reads as pomposity. Starting when I was 30, I somehow gave off an impression at an audition that had them mentally put me in a three-piece suit or put an attache case in my hand. If there was a stiff-guy part, the director would brighten up when I came in.

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