I want to toy around with producing a Broadway show.

When you're doing a Broadway show, you have no free time.

The first Broadway show I saw was when I was 11. I saw 'Hair.'

I'd love to do a Broadway show, but I can't because of the style I sing.

I did a Broadway show with Alan Alda and how much money can Alan Alda have.

I have loved 'Les Miz' for so long. It was the first Broadway show I'd ever done.

It's a very big collaborative effort to do an animated feature and to do a Broadway show.

I got into a Broadway show before I ever sang and danced. I learned how after I got in the show.

And what would be great numbers in a Broadway show are now on stage of the New York City Ballet.

Doing my Broadway show '700 Sundays' reminded me how much I love working in front of an audience.

All my roots are Broadway. I got my Equity Card doing a Broadway show, and my first love is theater.

'Dancin' was exceptionally significant. I was in an original Broadway show and nominated for a Tony.

I was really into dancing, taking six classes a week, and my real dream was to be in a Broadway show.

To be an English person in my 20s, doing a Broadway show - it's one of the mountains I wanted to climb.

The first Broadway show I ever heard was the recording of Carousel, and it was a very vivid experience.

When you rehearse a Broadway show, you get two months of rehearsal, while in TV, it's a much shorter process.

I didn't have an agent until I got 'Hairspray.' I had to get a Broadway show without an agent to get an agent.

I've taken so many kids out of Pittsburgh and onto the great white way in New York City right into a Broadway show.

When I was on Broadway, my most recent Broadway show was 'Spring Awakening,' and every night I did a topless scene.

Trey Parker did 'Book of Mormon.' It's the best Broadway show I've ever seen. He does 'South Park.' It's wonderful.

Nothing's hipper than leaving the set of 'Girls' in Brooklyn and having a teamster drop you off at your Broadway show.

I'd love to do Broadway. It's funny. I love it, but I've never actually seen an actual Broadway show, not even 'Hairspray.'

When I was growing up in the Isle of Man with ambitions of being a performer, I really wanted to go to see a Broadway show.

I worked with Harold Pinter once as my first Broadway show. It was one of the most exciting things that ever happened to me.

I've been to London twice. I saw the Broadway show 'Billy Elliot' there - phenomenal. I was crying through the entire thing.

A professional music career goes in starts and stops. Around 2000 I was doing a Broadway show and that was some real good energy.

I struggled for a while, but when I was cast in an Off Broadway show called 'Once Upon a Mattress,' that kind of put me on the map.

If I do what I really want to do, I'm not going to do a typical commercial Broadway show, so I'm going to write what I want to write.

'American Psycho' reminds me of my track in 'Tommy,' my first Broadway show. It's similar conceptually and has that rock n' roll streak.

I was one of those people who watched and videotaped the Tonys every year and kept a highlight reel every year. I saw every Broadway show as a kid.

My first Broadway show was with Elizabeth Taylor and Maureen Stapleton. Maureen Stapleton, a legend in the theatre; Elizabeth Taylor, a legend, period.

It's definitely one of those things when you decide to be an actor that it would be really cool to be in a Broadway show or a series regular on a hit show.

I'm always going back to New York for Broadway workshops or reading. So I always keep my foot in the door: I'm always on the lookout for the next Broadway show.

I had opera training for three years, and I have three albums out. I also did a Broadway show. I'm an actor that sings, so it is in my blood. It is in my system.

My favorite Broadway show day-to-day, just for the experience, was 'The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.' The people were so much fun. It was a great show.

When I saw my first Broadway show, 'Beauty and the Beast,' I was like, 'Okay, I'm definitely gonna do this.' After that, I did little shows and started auditioning.

But it's a Broadway show, so even if you're Christine in Phantom, you're still a princess. All female leads are princesses whether they're Disney princesses or not.

If you get into a Broadway show and it doesn't work, you're a failure. And if it does work, you may be stuck for who knows how long. It just doesn't sound great to me!

I understand people who boo us. It's like going to Broadway show, you pay for your tickets and expect to be entertained. When you're not, you have a right to complain.

I always wanted to be on a great TV show and in a Broadway show and have a CD out, and the fact that they happened simultaneously is kind of an embarrassment of riches.

Launching a Broadway show is like no other endeavor. It's taxing because you're present - it's not like cutting a movie and test focus-grouping it and filling out forms.

The streets of New York are diverse, but when you go into a Broadway show, unless Denzel Washington is in it, or Fantasia's in it, it's a lot of old white people and gay men.

I booked my first national tour of a Broadway show right out of college. It was the tap show, '42nd Street.' I had only been tap dancing for three years when I booked that show.

Some people get a Broadway show, and that's their end game, and they want to sit there for as long as possible. And some people have other things they want to do with their life.

Living in New York and doing a Broadway show is a dream come true. I've been training for this ever since I was five years old. Actually doing it and living my dream is incredible.

I saw my first Broadway show when I was 10 years old. I saw 'Big: The Musical' and I remember going out to dinner with my mom afterward and reading the souvenir program like crazy!

It's disgusting that a Broadway show can't try out anymore, that no matter where they are in the world, there is this massive dialogue going on between people damning or praising it.

I did a lot of musical theater when I was younger, and I really hope to get back there someday. I miss singing a lot. I listen to Broadway show tunes in my car and sing along to them.

I had been coming to New York, pretty much once a month, to dance on Broadway. I was offered a huge Broadway show but couldn't do it because my brother was having his huge Bar Mitzvah.

My first Broadway show wasn't until I was a freshman in high school. It was my first trip to New York. I came with a group of theatre kids, and we saw four shows. The very first one was 'Contact.'

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