I was raised on Bruce Lee.

I like singing Bruce Springsteen.

I wanted to be like Bruce Jenner.

I've always been a fan of Bruce Springsteen.

Not everybody knows I'm Bruce Lee's daughter.

My influences were Woody Allen and Lenny Bruce.

I'm a huge Bruce Springsteen and Duran Duran fan.

Oddly enough, Bruce Lee wrote some great philosophy.

I have deep compassion and support for Bruce Jenner.

I'm into classic rock, Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel.

What's on my iPod? Well, certainly Bruce Springsteen.

Bruce is the man. He was definitely ahead of his time.

I don't have an act. I just talk. I'm just Lenny Bruce.

I learned a lot from Bruce Springsteen and David Chase.

I don't want to be remembered as 'the son of Bruce Lee'.

Everybody watches Bruce Lee. That's a legend. He's the man!

I saw rock n' roll future and its name is Bruce Springsteen.

Bill Maher fancies himself the reincarnation of Lenny Bruce.

I knew who Bruce Springsteen was before he had his first record.

And we know Bruce Campbell from way back, so that was a lot of fun.

I'm not in good enough shape to be Batman. I'll just be Bruce Wayne.

My life changed because Bruce Springsteen got on a mic in front of me.

I'm an old rock and roll buff. I love Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty.

The two biggest influences of the '70s were Don Cornelius and Bruce Lee.

I do a bit of work on my bum, but, like, I don't have a Dylan Bruce bum.

I wanted to be the Dutch Bruce Jenner - that was my goal. He was my hero.

When you go backstage at a Bruce Springsteen show, you don't see a circus.

I'm a big fan of Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty, they're my two favorites.

Bruce Springsteen gave people faith in rock & roll and in themselves again.

The only guest star I really wanted to get but didn't was Bruce Springsteen.

It's always Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, and Tom Waits for me - the big three.

I took three years of karate because of Bruce Lee, you know. I was a green belt.

I want to be like Bruce Springsteen or something, making songs that are relevant.

I never wanted to be the next Bruce Lee. I just wanted to be the first Jackie Chan.

I would cry if I met Bruce Springsteen, man. I don't think I'd be able to handle it.

Bruce Rauner needs to lead, and until he does, we must fight to hold him accountable.

When I got depressed, I watched Bruce Lee movies. I learned everything from Bruce Lee.

My favorite lie was the online rumor that Bruce Willis was my uncle. That's hilarious.

As a young footballer at United, Steve Bruce was one of the senior pros I really admired.

I'm younger than Rod Stewart and Bruce Springsteen, but I'm still getting up there in age.

I love Bruce Springsteen's writing, but I grew up on '90s hip hop, like Tribe Called Quest.

Bruce Forsyth is my hero, and the thought that I'd be in a TV show with him was incredible.

My real priorities were my family - my kids and Bruce - and my work with the E Street Band.

I completely accept, respect, and support Caitlyn, but I must admit, I sometimes miss Bruce.

I don't think I'd have been as good as Bruce was. He was a better JFK than I would have been.

Lenny Bruce is a very moral man trying to improve the world and trying to make audiences think.

The moment we finished shooting for 'Bruce Lee,' my wife Upasana reminded of a pending holiday.

When you learn a Bruce Springsteen song, it's like learning to ride a bike. You don't forget it.

You don't have a Batman without Bruce Wayne. Batman is the edge or scary image for Bruce to use.

Bruce always had to tell a lie. He was always living that lie. Caitlyn doesn't have any secrets.

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