This world's a bubble.

We live in a strange bubble.

Honor is but an empty bubble.

Life is mostly froth and bubble

Are we all bubbles blown by a baby?

I don't want to be in an art bubble.

The Person is a bubble on Time's sea.

Bubbles have more colors than a rainbow.

But where will the Fed find another bubble?

I live in my own bubble. I'm in Gublerland.

There's all these little bubbles of nerddom.

I love to make a living from blowing bubbles.

I don't see much evidence of an equity bubble.

You never know you're in a bubble until it pops.

The only thing bubbles care about is wet and dry.

Relationships are like bubbles – they’re fragile.

The bubbles are thinner than wavelengths of light.

Joys Are bubble-like--what makes them bursts them too.

Any time I get to blow bubbles pretty much lights me up.

Bubbles are just a little liquid soap and a breath of air.

Fun, like champagne bubbles, can't completely fill you up.

The world's a bubble, and the life of man, Less than a span.

We are a segmented society, living in our individual bubbles.

If you go into what I call a bubble boom, every bubble bursts.

When I first go out on stage, there are tummy bubbles everywhere.

If you blow enough bubbles, after a while you sort of get into it.

Enthusiasm just creates bubbles; it doesn't keep them from popping.

But all bubbles have a way of bursting or being deflated in the end.

Red notification bubbles on any icon, including mail, drive me crazy.

I needed to entertain myself at home nights... I got a jar of bubbles.

Bubbles are one of the few things in life that we are allowed to break.

Ideas bubble differently when we're forced to inquire about the obvious.

You can only push the truth down for so long, and then it bubbles back up.

Double, treble, quadruple bubble, watch the stock market get into trouble.

Inside the time bubble we do not age. We age only when we are outside of it.

Bubbles are very simplified versions of some of the basic laws of the universe.

I use ordinary soap bubbles, the dime-store stuff, two wands and a plastic straw.

If possible, avoid being a bubble; for a bubble, even the gentlest touch is fatal.

Everyone would like the world always to be in bubble times. But that doesn't happen.

I was in a crazy, private, awesome bubble again, and that's when I started to write.

If people stay in their own little bubbles, none of us will reach our full potential.

I was never very good at stopping crowds. I started blowing bubbles to attract people.

I have spent a good part of my life showing what an intellectual bubble the Left lives in.

I am so fresh in soul and spirit that life gushes and bubbles around me in a thousand springs.

If we're in a bubble, it's the weirdest bubble I've ever seen, where everybody hates everything.

The areas of consensus shift unbelievably fast; the bubbles of certainty are constantly exploding.

Whenever anything bubbles up, I have to put it down. I have bits and pieces all over my hard drive.

I was in my hippie stage. It was tough for my father. First it was the long hair, then the bubbles.

It's important for the Fed, hard as it is, to attempt to detect asset bubbles while they're forming.

Society loves to put bubbles up there and pop them, and I resent it. I'd rather expose myself myself.

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