Californians try everything once.

Mexico doesn't seem alien to Californians.

Aussies are really laid back, and so are Californians.

It's nature-nurture, right? I've been nurtured by Californians.

Californians invented the concept of life-style. This alone warrants their doom.

Unlike many Californians or New Yorkers, college football is a religion down south.

I really consider myself a Californian, but I have those great comedic roots in Brooklyn.

Californians are good at planning for the earthquake, while simultaneously denying it will happen.

Californians devised a system of electricity sales that ignored every dimension of the free market.

Californians don't have that marvelous British cynicism, but then the British can be so patronizing at times.

We Californians are constantly accused of not having seasons, but we do. We have fire, flood, mud, and drought.

The burden of higher cost electricity and benefits of renewable energy subsidies fall unevenly on Californians.

Californians are worried about whether they will have a job along with ballooning federal spending and deficits.

I think that many Californians have been accustomed to, have normalized, that being good sometimes is good enough.

The Germans have a wonderful combination of pathos, energy, and humor. They are like Californians with an education.

When Californians see something we truly believe in, we say so and act accordingly - without evasiveness or equivocation.

They always say to Californians that we don't have seasons. Of course, that is not true. We have fire, flood, mud and drought.

Every year, thousands of Californians flee that populous paradise for tax-eased small government oasis of America's red states.

You know, Californians care about protecting their environment. So do I. But they also care about that in the context of a healthy economy.

Californians are not so precious about their antiques, not so nervous about what others will think if they mix classic with modern, old with new.

East is East, and West is San Francisco, according to Californians. Californians are a race of people; they are not merely inhabitants of a State.

I am honored to have the opportunity to lead the extraordinary 23,000 employees of PG&E and to support their efforts to safely serve 16 million Californians.

Yes, we absolutely need to eliminate the single-use plastic bag, but we don't have to eliminate the jobs of hardworking Californians to accomplish this goal.

We Californians can watch the Weather Channel for images of winter's brutality unleashed upon our fellow Americans and thank our lucky stars we don't have to contend with it.

I come from New York originally, but Californians have been wonderful about animals. These animals are so nice and so good and so sweet and intelligent. It's a crime not to help them.

Californians want to have clean air, clean water - not like the Trump Administration is trying to do with its rollback of environmental regulations, like the reversal of the Clean Power Plan.

Californians are blessed with the remarkable leadership of Gov. Jerry Brown, who... has led our state to firm fiscal footing and brought us to the enviable position of dreaming - and achieving - big dreams again.

Pension reform can be hard to talk about. In the long run, reform now means fewer demands for layoffs and less draconian measures in the future. It's in the best interest of all Californians to fix this system now.

Louie and Seabiscuit were both Californians and both on the sports pages in the 1930s. I was fascinated. When I learned about his World War II experiences, I thought, 'If this guy is still alive, I want to meet him.'

The federal government secures the border; Californians decide how we want to treat our population. I think we need a vibrant guest worker program. If we have one, we're going to stop having a lot of issues at the border.

Too many Californians are struggling to make ends meet, pay the bills, and send their kids to college. They are looking for progressive leaders in Washington who will fight for them, like Senator Boxer has done for over 20 years.

Californians are people who insist on growing their own vegetables, but they won't dig up the pretty lawn, won't plant anything for fear of getting dirty, and they use fragrant bath salts from The Body Shop instead of smelly compost.

Californians like to spend a lot of time talking about how great our state is, but the truth is that we have learned and executed a very important lesson: if we want to win on issues as critical as climate change - if we want to lead - we absolutely have to stand together.

California's university system is one of the premier higher education systems in the world, and we should require that non-resident students pay a premium to attend it. The revenue generated from these fees can be used to increase affordability and access for more Californians.

After being a born-again punk rocker for about ten years, the whole thing started falling apart. American hardcore had become Californians in baggy shorts making jokes about being white trash, and British punk had morphed into dogmatic crusties yelling at everyone about everything.

Growing up in New York, I was sort of shocked when I realized that my children are Californians. They are 14 years old, and I explain to them frequently that they will never realize the glory of a snow day. You wake up and the world says, 'Oops, it's too much fun to go to school, you've got to stay home and deal with the snow!'

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