A woman's health is her capital.

Capital isn't scarce; vision is.

Capital never builds great products.

Capital is kind of a banking concept.

Returns matter a lot. It's our capital.

Capital will follow where great talents go.

Some big banks remain wary of venture capital.

London is the English-speaking theatre capital.

I want London to be the global sporting capital.

The capital goes wherever the opportunities are.

Thought, not money, is the real business capital.

So much of venture capital is pattern recognition.

Venture capital is always wanting to go up market.

I don't feel like I'm an artist with a capital 'A.'

I've always called L.A. 'the world capital of sport.'

People can put their capital to work where they like.

Venture capital is debt. People don't understand that.

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.

Venture capital is a dynamic and people-driven business.

Intellectual capital drives financial capital and growth.

Intellectual capital will always trump financial capital.

Wealth management businesses are capital light businesses.

I escaped London in 1997 because it was hard to raise capital.

The only thing we lack for even faster growth is more capital.

We will rebuild, renew and remain the capital of the free world.

Of capital importance is to have a good diet and exercise a lot.

Given my venture capital background, I know the tech sector well.

We have the deepest and most liquid capital markets in the world.

I think Jerusalem can be and should be the capital of two states.

Equity capital is expensive. Every time you do a raise, you dilute.

Human labor cannot compete with fixed capital - that's just a fact.

We know that enlightened capital didn't get rid of the slave trade.

Ideas are a capital that bears interest only in the hands of talent.

Failure is more frequently from want of energy than want of capital.

I would like to see capital punishment suppressed in all democracies.

That's capital L, small a - no space! - capital C, small h, a, n, z, e.

I like geography. I could tell you the capital of any country you want.

Our eternal capital Jerusalem was and remains our top national priority.

My main capital isn't the money. I respect myself; I respect my country.

Capital punishment is the source of many an argument, both good and bad.

We all get into business, and we take a risk in terms of putting capital.

We have a history in South Africa of an entrenched white monopoly capital.

You have to spend your political capital on great causes for your country.

Drying up of capital has different consequences in different environments.

Building cars is highly specialized, it's hard, and it's capital intensive.

I'm a feminist with a capital 'F' and have always had a passion for policy.

Venture capital is unscalable. Production equals the time each partner has.

Egypt has great potential because of the latent power of its human capital.

Capital is that part of wealth which is devoted to obtaining further wealth.

I was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the confederacy.

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