I'm proud to be a Cardinal.

Force and fraud are in war the two cardinal virtues.

Cedric Gibbons was the grand cardinal of the art department.

Every one suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues.

The Cardinal is at his wit's end - it is true that he had not far to go.

If you call attention to yourself at the expense of the song, that's the cardinal sin.

The one and only time I met Pope Benedict XVI was when he was Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger.

There's a cardinal rule that you don't talk about sharks. If you don't see it, it's not there.

Punctuality is one of the cardinal business virtues: always insist on it in your subordinates.

Breaking a cardinal rule of spy craft, I actually let it be known that I wanted to work for the CIA.

I was very surprised when I heard that I had been chosen to receive the James Cardinal Gibbons Award.

No man could be equipped for the presidency if he has never been tempted by one of the seven cardinal sins.

Every time I see a cardinal, I know my grandmother is with me. This regal, red bird was Grandma's favorite.

I think the cardinal rule of learning to write is learning to read first. I learned to write by learning to read.

Humility is not something that comes naturally. But it is a cardinal virtue that should be pursued more than any other.

It's weird that I'm putting my old green and gold jersey, and I'm moving on to the cardinal and white. I'm a Stanford Cardinal.

I think it's possible to have a conservative serve in a cardinal position, a subcommittee chair position, and be very effective.

I was broadcasting Cardinal baseball in the major leagues at the age of 21, and that only happened because my last name was Buck.

I am who I am, and I think that's why I'm very grateful to be an Arizona Cardinal: because the team that picked me, they picked me.

One must not make oneself cheap here - that is a cardinal point - or else one is done. Whoever is most impertinent has the best chance.

I've met people of great faith. I sat in the home of Billy Graham and in the residence of Cardinal Dolan and prayed with these men of God.

I'm not against speaking publicly and having passion for something. One of the cardinal beauties of America is that we have the freedom to do so.

Perhaps there is only one cardinal sin: impatience. Because of impatience we were driven out of Paradise, because of impatience we cannot return.

That was a sin: to consider yourself victimized or not able to control your destiny or your fate - that was the one cardinal sin in our community.

I think there are a number of bishops - and I put Cardinal Mahony in that category - who listen too much to his lawyer and not enough to his heart.

I neither drink nor smoke, because my schoolmaster impressed upon me three cardinal virtues; cleanliness in person, cleanliness in mind; temperance.

I believe that loyalty is a cardinal virtue. Nowhere in the world is loyalty so little revered and tittle-tattle so greatly venerated as in Washington.

Until 2005, France had the only senior Catholic prelate in modern times who was born Jewish and still considered himself culturally Jewish: Cardinal Lustiger.

The fans know and the Cardinals know that I want to be a Cardinal for my whole career. I love this city. The way that this city has embraced me and my family.

If any sort of error is inexcusable, it's an incorrect phone number. One of the cardinal rules of copy editing is that every phone number published must be checked.

The cardinal responsibility of leadership is to identify the dominant contradiction at each point of the historical process and to work out a central line to resolve it.

Clean living is the cardinal principle in the lives of the world's greatest athletes, as the phenomenal performances of these outstanding characters will obviously show.

After the war, prompted by the Cardinal Archbishop of Paris, I entered Parliament so that a priest could speak out for the poor, as canon law at that time still permitted.

I have family and friends who are strong Cardinal fans, and they are having a tough time since I signed. They want to root for me, but rooting for the Cubs is next to a sin.

Joining forces with Cardinal Health supports Kinray's mission to help retail independent pharmacies serve as an integral provider of care for our evolving health care system.

My sons remember me most as a Cardinal. My one son is 26 years old, and I don't think he's ever seen me without a beard. It's not as black as it used to be, but it's still there.

I've been happy to have been here since my first day, and I'm going to be happy to retire as a Cardinal because this organization means a lot to me and this city means a lot to me.

A cardinal rule of politics is that if an issue has the potential to cause problems for a candidate, it is best to deal with it well before the election so the dust has time to settle.

Just as Cardinal Bernardin proposed that an of ethic of life be consistently applied to unite all the life issues, we need in our day to mine the church's social teaching on solidarity.

When the depressive psychosis has become manifest, its cardinal feature seems to be a mental inhibition which renders a rapport between the patient and the external world more difficult.

I think about my mother every day. But usually the thoughts are fleeting - she crosses my mind like a spring cardinal that flies past the edge of your eye: startling, luminous, lovely... gone.

A cardinal rule in budgeting and saving is to pay yourself first. Once your paycheck hits your account, wisdom has it that you should move some amount to savings even before you pay the bills.

Cardinal Raymond Burke is a 66-year-old guy who lives in Rome, dresses like Queen Elizabeth, and talks like someone who majored in misogyny at some bogus, backwoods, Bible-banging tent school.

I committed a cardinal sin as a kid. I never spoke, and my mother thought there was something seriously wrong with me. A silent child is regarded as a problem in Ireland, and I just read all the time.

If you're a reporter, the easiest thing in the world is to get a story. The hardest thing is to verify. The old sins were about getting something wrong, that was a cardinal sin. The new sin is to be boring.

A cardinal principle of Total Quality escapes too many managers: you cannot continuously improve interdependent systems and processes until you progressively perfect interdependent, interpersonal relationships.

In the old days... it was a basic, cardinal fact that producers didn't have opinions. When I was producing natural history programmes, I didn't use them as vehicles for my own opinion. They were factual programmes.

It's unbelievable. I'm still trying to grasp the whole idea that I am an actually a Stanford Cardinal now. I'm actually representing an alumni that's network is around the world, and the people there are unbelievable.

In my family, there was one cardinal priority - education. College was not an option; it was mandatory. So even though we didn't have a lot of money, we made it work. I signed up for financial aid, Pell Grants, work study, anything I could.

The cardinal rule of taxation is that whatever you put a levy on, you'll inevitably get less of. Taxing corporate activity means less investing, less hiring, fewer jobs and a smaller economy, which hurts the rich, the poor and the middle class alike.

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