Conversation, n.: A vocal competition in which the one who is catching his breath is called the listener.

I am happy that Delhi is now catching up fast on the nightlife circuit. The city has a rocking night life.

I'm always getting injuries like bruised and bloody knuckles from catching a cymbal or the edge of a drum.

I never let myself forget that our rivals are waiting for us to slip up and feed their hope of catching us.

Times are changing, and it's catching on that the roles on TV and film need to reflect its diverse viewers.

Now that the black experience isn't viewed as box-office death, people are catching up to untapped auteurs.

While I was making 'Coraline' I barely got to see any films at all, so I've got a lot of catching up to do.

I'm for catching every Japanese in America, Alaska, and Hawai'i now and putting them in concentration camps.

I really try to pride myself on route running, catching and being able to be a mismatch anywhere on the field.

I was the second guy to submit Jim Miller, so I'm up there in catching guys that have been deemed uncatchable.

I can do it all, and I want to do it all. Put me on special teams. Ask me to block. Hand off. Catching passes.

I didn't grow up playing video games. I grew up catching crawdads in the creek and minnows and lizards and snakes.

So I thought if I stopped being so, you know, wounded, we could take a shot at just being friends. - Peeta Mellark

I love catching, being involved in every pitch of the game, obviously it beats you up both mentally and physically.

I happen to be a really good sleeper on the plane. I'm pretty good at catching up on getting as much rest as I can.

I have no problem getting financing. I have a problem catching ideas that I fall in love with for the next feature.

The erogenous zone is always shifting, and it is the business of fashion to pursue it, without ever catching it up.

I love catching, being involved in every pitch of the game; obviously, it beats you up both mentally and physically.

I use my mind. I set up blocks. I wait for things to open. I time up things. I use a lot of skill catching the ball.

It was because the chimps are so eye-catching, so like us and teach us so much that my work was recognised worldwide.

The good news is that real-world hands-on conservation is alive and well and catching on across the America I travel.

While I'm more of a soccer and tennis fan myself, I still enjoying catching some football games when I get the chance.

Women are the strong people in this world, not men. I think TV is finally catching up with that reality, and thank God.

If I were catching blindfolded, I'd always know when it was Foxx who connected. He hit the ball harder than anyone else.

Even when I'm tired, when I come home and think about catching up on my sleep, I'd rather stay up and hold my daughters.

I'm going to consistently hit anywhere between .290 and .310. Anything above that, I'm catching breaks and finding holes.

My father used to be a fisherman, so it always makes me feel close to him when I am there on the water catching my dinner.

Goalkeeping in women's football is catching up slowly. It is continuing to modernise, improving technically and physically.

Italy - I love the late-night culture, hanging around the square at midnight with everyone, catching up and having a drink.

People are catching on to diversity and colour-blind casting. For me, it meant turning down certain work and making a stand.

For somebody like me who doesn't bowl, it's important to contribute in the field, and I've worked hard on that, slip catching.

Depending on the day, I might be catching a flight, going to show, but no matter what when I wake up I got to get a workout in.

Ask a receiver, can we take his gloves off because he's catching the ball too well? Nobody is going to be overly happy about that.

I used to be monastic, almost. Now I'm like a Tibetan that has discovered hamburgers and television. I'm catching up on Americana.

Running, catching, blocking, third-down guy. There's nothing that you can ask me to do that I won't want to do or that I can't do.

'Sopranos' was a fascinating moment, just catching our whole culture by surprise, a fun ride to be on while I'm learning the craft.

I'm focusing on being the best I can for my teammates - catching as many balls and putting in as many good blocks as I possibly can.

I think HBO seems to have an extraordinary clever knack of catching the pulse of its audience. It really, really knows its audience.

When you're getting on plans and traveling all over the place, it can be very hard to keep yourself healthy and avoid catching a cold.

I think at some point during the course of the game, I will have an impact - whether it's blocking or whether it's catching the football.

When you work to please others you can't succeed, but the things you do to satisfy yourself stand a chance of catching someone's interest.

Billy Slater was one I used to see do extras after training and his catching technique was unreal, so I really looked up to him and followed.

Why would you watch an Oscar-nominated film unless you're mad enough to purposely experience feelings? Bleh. I'm not interested in catching those.

Copy my favorite moves and my Tour-proven setup positions, and you'll start catching it on the sweet spot every time, with every club in your bag.

When I am not recording, I do live shows or am at home catching up on shows which I regularly watch. But there will always be some music around me.

When we can't bottle our tears up anymore, God catches every one in His bottle. God's catching every falling tear because He won't let us fall apart.

There are some achievements which are never done in the presence of those who hear of them. Catching salmon is one, and working all night is another.

I had dreams of catching the ball for the final out in the World Series and being mobbed by my teammates. Well, I guess all my dreams didn't come true.

Poetry is its own medium; it's very different than writing prose. Poetry can talk in an imagistic sense, it has particular ways of catching an environment.

Around 2015, I started to see my skills diminish. It happens to everybody. Father Time is undefeated. He is gonna win every time, and I saw him catching me.

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