I quite like 50 Cent.

I always give my 100 per cent.

The Earth is flat, 100 per cent.

50 Cent is a brilliant marketer.

I identify with the 99 per cent.

I give 110 per cent all the time.

I think rugby is 80 per cent mental.

I beefed with 50 Cent for seven years.

Family is 100 per cent my top priority.

Ninety per cent of my movies were hits.

I don't owe one man one cent. Anywhere.

I don't like paying 50 per cent of tax.

Motherhood informs my work 100 per cent.

I work very hard and I'm worth every cent.

I used up every cent I earned as an actress.

Ninety-nine per cent of opening bands stink.

Fifty per cent of rock is having a good time.

I make a lot of money and I'm worth every cent.

Around 80 per cent of my money goes to charity.

There's nothing I really believe about 50 Cent.

In every match, I want to give my 100 per cent.

In Europe, Bayern is my last club - 100 per cent.

I'm the kind of guy who always gives 100 per cent.

Seventy per cent humidity is ideal for vocal cords.

One hundred per cent, to play for Spain is my dream.

Ninety-five per cent of my time is virtually wasted.

I act because I enjoy it. I give 200 per cent to it.

I'm definitely not a supermodel, a thousand per cent.

What I want is players who are 100 per cent committed.

In cyberspace, 95 per cent of what you read is hearsay.

I've been listening 50 cent's audiobook, 'The Hustler.'

I do probably 80 or 90 per cent of the cooking at home.

I have always given 100 per cent, power and performance.

What this country needs is a really good five cent cigar.

I adore football, and if I do a job, I do it 100 per cent.

You have to go 100 per cent and be confident in your body.

I am behind Kanye West for American President 100 per cent.

Film is a medium where the audience gives you 100 per cent.

I got me a hit record and I ain't never made a cent from it.

Honestly, who knows 100 per cent what they will do next year?

I have grandchildren who are going to need every cent I make.

Sixty per cent of people entering prison today are illiterate.

With Ajax and Liverpool, you win about 80 per cent of matches.

Shearer could be at 100 per cent fitness, but not peak fitness.

If you're going to support a football team, do it 100 per cent.

Ninety-eight per cent of all human communication is non-verbal.

When I first joined Manchester City, I was not 100 per cent fit.

I believe that work should be done with 100 per cent dedication.

It's not 100 per cent clear to me what's working about Snapchat.

My mum always told me 95 per cent of success was partnering well.

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